Monetary Policy Update September 2012
Counteracts low inflation ahead Repo rate cut Counteracts low inflation ahead
Continued unease on financial markets Government bond rates with 10 years left to maturity, per cent Source: Reuters EcoWin
Structural problems in Europe Unit labour cost Index, 1999 = 100 Source: OECD
Weak developments in euro area GDP, annual percentage change Sources: Bureau of Economic Analysis, Eurostat and the Riksbank
Swedish economy relatively strong GDP, quarterly changes in per cent calculated as an annual rate, seasonally adjusted data Sources: Statistics Sweden and the Riksbank
Growth dampened in coming period Index, average = 100, standard deviation = 10 Source: National Institute of Economic Research
Stronger krona Competition-weighted nominal exchange rate, TCW, Index, 18 Nov 1992 = 100 Source: The Riksbank
Labour market in line with expectations Per cent of the labour force, aged 15-74, quarterly data, seasonally adjusted data Sources: Statistics Sweden and the Riksbank
Lower inflationary pressure Weak growth in the coming period Good productivity growth Stronger krona
Lower repo rate Repo rate, per cent, quarterly averages Source: The Riksbank
Inflation rising towards the target Annual percentage change. The CPIF is the CPI with a fixed mortgage rate Sources: Statistics Sweden and the Riksbank
A forecast, not a promise Repo rate, per cent, quarterly averages Source: The Riksbank
Repo rate cut Counteracts low inflation ahead