Course Outline Presentation Term: F09 Faculty Name : Asma Sanam Larik Course Name :INTRO TO COMPUTING Course Code : CSE145 Section :1 Semester : 1
Introduction to Computing Overview The objective of this course Introduction to principles that lay the foundation of computer science for students with no prior background in computing. Introduction to principles that lay the foundation of computer science for students with no prior background in computing. The course is designed to make students understand that computing is not just a single discipline but is a family of disciplines such as Computer Science, Computer Engineering, Information Systems, Information technology and Software Engineering etc. The course is designed to make students understand that computing is not just a single discipline but is a family of disciplines such as Computer Science, Computer Engineering, Information Systems, Information technology and Software Engineering etc. Essential Computer Mathematics is taught to strengthen the computing techniques by making Number Systems, Boolean Logic, Computer Graphics recognized. Essential Computer Mathematics is taught to strengthen the computing techniques by making Number Systems, Boolean Logic, Computer Graphics recognized.
…continue Problem solving techniques and their representation in the form of Flow charts, algorithms, pseudo codes are introduced. Problem solving techniques and their representation in the form of Flow charts, algorithms, pseudo codes are introduced. Topics include the history of computation, writing algorithms and using programming constructs, data organization, the role of the compiler, programming language paradigm, recursion, algorithm correctness and efficiency, limits of computability and the Turing machine as a universal computer, the role of the operating system, an introduction to artificial intelligence, and software engineering Topics include the history of computation, writing algorithms and using programming constructs, data organization, the role of the compiler, programming language paradigm, recursion, algorithm correctness and efficiency, limits of computability and the Turing machine as a universal computer, the role of the operating system, an introduction to artificial intelligence, and software engineering Software Application and Tools are also taught for complete understanding of computing. Software Application and Tools are also taught for complete understanding of computing.
Course Breakup Introduction, preliminaries and overview Introduction, preliminaries and overview CPU Execution Cycle, Data Organization in Main Memory, Data storage, Data Manipulation in bits and bytes, Introduction to Hardware, Software their key differences, Input/Output devices their applications etc. Basic computer architecture, introduction to Buses and Registers CPU Execution Cycle, Data Organization in Main Memory, Data storage, Data Manipulation in bits and bytes, Introduction to Hardware, Software their key differences, Input/Output devices their applications etc. Basic computer architecture, introduction to Buses and Registers
Problem Solving Techniques Problem Solving Techniques Divide and Conquer strategy, Basic techniques focusing on finding solution to a problem. Various forms of representation include algorithms, Flowchart representation, pseudo codes, Complexities of algorithm with a brief overview of BigO notation Divide and Conquer strategy, Basic techniques focusing on finding solution to a problem. Various forms of representation include algorithms, Flowchart representation, pseudo codes, Complexities of algorithm with a brief overview of BigO notation
Essential Computer Mathematics Essential Computer Mathematics Number System including Binary Hexadecimal Octal Computer Codes including ASCII BCD EBCDIC, Logic Gates, Graphs Number System including Binary Hexadecimal Octal Computer Codes including ASCII BCD EBCDIC, Logic Gates, Graphs History of Computing History of Computing Overview of Programming Languages Overview of Programming Languages An overview of different Programming Languages, Difference between traditional, Modular and Object Oriented Programming Languages would be focused An overview of different Programming Languages, Difference between traditional, Modular and Object Oriented Programming Languages would be focused
Basic Programming Techniques Basic Programming Techniques Integer constants, Real Constants, Complex Constants, Double Precision Constants, Logical Constants, Variable Names, Types of Variables, Subscripted Variables, Dimension Statements, Equivalance Statements. Machine features, Floating-point Arithmetic, Assembly language, Evaluation of special functions, Closed subroutines, Iterative structures, and recursive structures. Integer constants, Real Constants, Complex Constants, Double Precision Constants, Logical Constants, Variable Names, Types of Variables, Subscripted Variables, Dimension Statements, Equivalance Statements. Machine features, Floating-point Arithmetic, Assembly language, Evaluation of special functions, Closed subroutines, Iterative structures, and recursive structures. Overview of Compilers Overview of Compilers Overview of Operating Systems Overview of Operating Systems History, architecture, basic functionality,overview of various OS available including Linux, Microsoft, MS DOS etc History, architecture, basic functionality,overview of various OS available including Linux, Microsoft, MS DOS etc
Overview of Networking and Internet Overview of Networking and Internet Networking Fundamentals, Worldwide web, various internet protocols Networking Fundamentals, Worldwide web, various internet protocols Overview of Different Disciplines of Computer Science Overview of Different Disciplines of Computer Science Including Software Engineering, Database Systems, Computer Graphics, Artificial Intelligence, Theory of Computation etc Including Software Engineering, Database Systems, Computer Graphics, Artificial Intelligence, Theory of Computation etc Overview of Different Application Softwares and Scripting Languages Overview of Different Application Softwares and Scripting Languages Including MS Word, Powerpoint, Excel, Access, Javascript etc Including MS Word, Powerpoint, Excel, Access, Javascript etc
Books Text Book: Text Book: Computer Science : An Overview, 10/E Computer Science : An Overview, 10/E J. Glenn Brookshear ISBN-13: , Publisher: Prentice Hall J. Glenn Brookshear ISBN-13: , Publisher: Prentice Hall Reference Book: Reference Book: Balanced Introduction to Computer Science 2/E Balanced Introduction to Computer Science 2/E David Reed ISBN-13: , Publisher: Prentice Hall David Reed ISBN-13: , Publisher: Prentice Hall
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