Indicator common structure


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Presentation transcript:

Indicator common structure WGDIKE October 12 2015, Brussels Supporting Document: DIKE_12-2015-04 Prepared by: Neil Holdsworth (ICES) for ETC/ICM support to EEA

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Indicator structure at regional level Organization Development status Presentation format Structure EEA Currently used for coreset indicators (CSI) Online Follows a strict meta-data template adapted from the European SDMX Metadata Structure (ESMS) HELCOM Currently used for some existing assessments (i.e. Eutrophication) and available for use for roof report Follows a document-based structure based on an agreed HELCOM set of information OSPAR Template finalised and being used for OSPAR Intermediate assessment (2017). Available for use in roof report Planned to be online following development of the OSPAR Assessment Tool Follows a document and meta-data-based structure, developed within OSPAR UNEP/MAP Not known   BSC

Revisions to Indicator assessment structures Based on recommendations from June DIKE paper EEA, HELCOM and OSPAR have undertaken, or in process, of updating their templates Updated OSPAR template now in use for the build up to interim assessment

Revisions to Indicator assessment structures Based on feedback to June DIKE paper Common indicator schema updated Included alignments to regional sea templates Only one optional field proposed

Revisions to Indicator assessment structures Table 2 in DIKE 12/04/2015 Link (easier)

Revisions to Indicator assessment structures Table 2 in DIKE 12/04/2015 Link (easier)

Revisions to Indicator assessment structures Table 2 in DIKE 12/04/2015 Link (easier)

Indicator common structure WGDIKE October 12 2015, Brussels Supporting Document: DIKE_12-2015-04 Prepared by: Neil Holdsworth (ICES) for ETC/ICM support to EEA