By: Ashley Gates + Devin Fancy Teacher: A. Ripley Class: IGS 12 Discourses at PVEC By: Ashley Gates + Devin Fancy Teacher: A. Ripley Class: IGS 12
South Hall The majority of the south hall is grade 10’s. It is just a place to hang out and no one is left out. Nobody is invisible and everyone just seems to joke around and have a good time. People that haven’t always been there appear to feel awkward walking through.
The Gym All grades hang out in the gym. It seems the more athletic you are, the more respect you will have. The teasing is all in fun. Most of it is during or after the game. Everyone is welcome in the gym. The entrance is usually controlled by the people on sports teams, while the back is just for people who want to have fun. Nobody is invisible if you try to get in on a game. People who don’t like sports usually don’t go in the gym.
The Art Room -All grades hang out in the art room, but seem to have their own little cultures inside. -They talk about everything. -Nobody is invisible and nothing is really unacceptable. Jokes are thrown around loosely and everyone just seems to click with everyone. -Really open, and you can just come in and sit down. You can come and go as you please. -Even though you can come and go, there is still a close-knit group that is in there everyday.
Floor One (Left Side)
Floor One (Right Side)
Second Floor (Left Side)
Second Floor (Right Side)