SCiP Conference OUTCOME OF WORKSHOP Raised awareness of informal education supporting children and young people with a parent Serving in the Armed Forces. Stimulate thinking on how to take action to connect and communicate with young people in the context of their community on the themes that matter to SCiP.
WHERE THE STRATEGY COMES FROM Responsibility for developing and coordinating welfare policies lies within the Chief of Defence People area with policy implementation undertaken by the relevant Service policy branches. For MOD policy relating to Service children and young people, Commander Home Command (Comd HC) acts as the lead proponent in consultation with the other Services, and exercises this duty through the MOD Director Children and Young People
Overview of MoD play, youth and community development. Role in mitigating the impact of Service lifestyle. MOD Led Youth Work in Schools MoD Youth Voice.
Creative informal education programmes MOD LED YOUTH WORK IN SCHOOLS Professional Youth Work staff engaging for a session a week for 6 weeks a term as a minimum. Creative informal education programmes Currently themed on ‘resilience’ and ‘empowerment’. Act as a ‘named person’ to go to (knowledge and understanding of the lived experience). Voluntary relationship Intervention, early help planned with stakeholders
MOD YOUTH VOICE MOD Directorate Children and Young People priority for hearing the voice of children and young people Repeated themes and expression of issues, concerns and challenges children and young people face
Impact of Armed Service lived experience on: Self limiting beliefs Thoughts FOR A BETTER UNDERSTANDING Impact of Armed Service lived experience on: Self limiting beliefs Readiness for further parental/family separation Resilience for another ‘move’ ?
Developing effective intervention through collaboration Policy, Research and Practice Informed Practice Working with young people in the context of their communities, young people led research Raised awareness with formal educators of children and young people’s lived experience Developing effective intervention through collaboration
CONTACT DETAILS rebecca.wakefield244@mod.gov.uk