ITC-ILO/ACTRAV Course A : Trade Union Training on International Labour Standards and ILO Declaration on Fundamental Principles and Rights at Work and its Follow-up ACTRAV-Turin Course Orientation Course Orientation
Aims of This Session 1. To get to know with each other; 2. To fully understand the objectives and expected outputs of this programme; 3. To confirm the timetable of the course, and make necessary fine tuning to it reflecting needs and expectations of the participants; and 4. To distribute responsibilities among the participants.
1. Introduction 1. Introduction Basic Rules of the Course Basic Rules of the Course To get to know with each other To get to know with each other
Four Ground Rules 1.Be active and participative in all activities throughout the course 2.Be attentive and supportive to your classmates 3.Learn from each other 4.Be punctual!
Self-Introduction 1. Your name and nickname; 2. Your trade union experience; 3. Your expertise in international and national labour standards; and 4. The main workers rights problem you will try to find a solution to during this course
2. Objectives 2. Objectives Long-term (development) objectives Long-term (development) objectives Immediate objectives Immediate objectives Outputs Outputs
Background Deficiencies in National Labour Legislations Basic workers rights are not sufficiently protected and are frequently violated/ignored in Asia & the Pacific Region Historical Background Economic Interest Authoritarian Regime Low Public Awareness Weak Workers movement Failure in Implementation of Labour Legislation Globalization
What are Needed? Deficiencies in National Labour Legislations Basic workers rights are not sufficiently protected and frequently violated/ignored in Asia and the Pacific Region Effective Application of International Labour Standards Failure in Implementation of Labour Legislation CHANGE!CHANGE! Trade Unions must promote & actively utilize the ILS and ILO Mechanisms
Long-Term Objectives of this Training Course Positive changes in the national labour legislations and their actual implementations To achieve By ensuring the regular and effective use of International Labour Standards and the ILOs mechanisms by trade unions. Assurance of sufficient protections for basic workers rights
To Achieve Long-Term Objectives, We Need: 11 To promote a structure within trade unions responsible for ILS 22 To strengthen the capacity of unions for developing strategies on ILS 33 To facilitate workers education and training programmes on ILS 44 To build up networks of trade unions on ILS and workers rights issues
Immediate Objectives By the end of the course, all participants should become able to Fully utilize international labour standards and the ILO mechanisms Identify workers rights problems being faced by your members
Check List for Achievements of the Immediate Objectives The political, economic and social background for the workers rights situations today; The political, economic and social background for the workers rights situations today; The possibilities and limitations of the ILS and ILO mechanisms; The possibilities and limitations of the ILS and ILO mechanisms; Types and difference of international labour standards (Conventions, Recommendations, Declarations and Resolutions); Types and difference of international labour standards (Conventions, Recommendations, Declarations and Resolutions); The procedures for discussion, adoption, submission, ratification and notification of a new international labour standard; The procedures for discussion, adoption, submission, ratification and notification of a new international labour standard; The supervisory mechanisms of ILS, including regular procedures (Article 22 Reports on ratified Conventions and General Surveys) and special procedures (Article 24 Representation and Article 26 Complaint); The supervisory mechanisms of ILS, including regular procedures (Article 22 Reports on ratified Conventions and General Surveys) and special procedures (Article 24 Representation and Article 26 Complaint); The roles of the supervisory bodies of the ILO, including Committee of Experts (CEACR), and Conference Committee on Application of Conventions and Recommendations (CCACR); The roles of the supervisory bodies of the ILO, including Committee of Experts (CEACR), and Conference Committee on Application of Conventions and Recommendations (CCACR); The effect of ILO Declaration on F.P.R.W. and its follow-up procedures including the Annual Review and Global Report; The effect of ILO Declaration on F.P.R.W. and its follow-up procedures including the Annual Review and Global Report; The special procedures for Freedom of Association (a complaint to Committee on Freedom of Association) and the role of CFA; The special procedures for Freedom of Association (a complaint to Committee on Freedom of Association) and the role of CFA; The concept and areas of the eight core conventions; The concept and areas of the eight core conventions; The ways and means for workers participation in the ILOs standard setting machineries and supervisory mechanisms; The ways and means for workers participation in the ILOs standard setting machineries and supervisory mechanisms; The forms and contents of workers comments/reports to the ILO under each supervisory procedure; The forms and contents of workers comments/reports to the ILO under each supervisory procedure; The specific workers rights problems of women; The specific workers rights problems of women; The workers rights of the most vulnerable groups, including the workers in the informal economy, international economic migrants, HIV/AIDS carriers; The workers rights of the most vulnerable groups, including the workers in the informal economy, international economic migrants, HIV/AIDS carriers; The effect of other international instruments, including the ILO Tripartite Declaration on Principles concerning MNEs, OECD Guidelines for MNEs, and UN Global Compact; The effect of other international instruments, including the ILO Tripartite Declaration on Principles concerning MNEs, OECD Guidelines for MNEs, and UN Global Compact; The role and effect of the private voluntary initiatives, including international framework agreements of GUFs and global reporting infinitives; The role and effect of the private voluntary initiatives, including international framework agreements of GUFs and global reporting infinitives; The options for trade union programmes and actions for promoting workers use of the ILS mechanisms; The options for trade union programmes and actions for promoting workers use of the ILS mechanisms; The ways and means to promote workers communications networks on workers rights; The ways and means to promote workers communications networks on workers rights; The effective Use of the Internet; and The effective Use of the Internet; and The standard format for a project proposal, based on Summary Project Outline (SPROUT). The standard format for a project proposal, based on Summary Project Outline (SPROUT).
Target Outputs of the Course 1) Focal Points for Workers Rights in 16 countries/unions who have capacity of; Effectively utilizing ILS and the ILO mechanism; Effectively utilizing ILS and the ILO mechanism; Advancing for universal ratification and implementation of the key ILSs; Advancing for universal ratification and implementation of the key ILSs; Promoting communication networks of trade unions in Asia and the Pacific region. Promoting communication networks of trade unions in Asia and the Pacific region. 2) 16 project proposals for promoting the use of ILS and ILO mechanism by unions; 3) A regional network of ILS Focal Points.
50 trade union activists trained on ILS SoliComm Computer Communications Network Regional Network on ILS Online Conference Mailing List E-LibraryE-LibraryWebsiteWebsite A A A3-2739A3-2739A A A3-2382A Promotion of the use of the ILS by unions
3. Time-Table 3. Time-Table
Weekly Session Plans 1 st week Cross-cutting issues & ILS basics 2 nd week Advanced skills on ILS 3 rd week Practical skills on the use of ILS 4 th week Study visit – consolidate ILS skill Weekly Evaluation Final Evaluation
4. Work Plans 4. Work Plans Concept of work plans Concept of work plans SPROUT and LFA SPROUT and LFA Development schedule Development schedule
What is Work Plan ? 1. A work plan is: a project proposal that aims to bring about a positive change by tackling with a problem 2. Work plans need to be implemented 3. Work plans must be time-bound 4. The objectives of work plans must befeasible, realistic &achievable.
Model Format = SPROUT SPROUT = Summary Project Outline: SPROUT = Summary Project Outline: the standardized format for project proposal used by the ILO and other UN agencies Problem Cause of the Problems Achievement of Ideal Situation Project Non-existence of the Cause Solution
Conditions for the Work Plan 1 Problem must be related to lack of protections or persistent breaches of basic workers rights 2 Cause of the problem must be reachable and solvable by your unions action 3 Solution must be linked with the use of ILS and ILO mechanisms by your union
Development Schedule By 18 Feb. By 18 Feb. Identification of the main problem and desired situation By 25 Feb. By 25 Feb. Elaboration on solutions and strategies On 4 March On 4 March Presentation of the first draft of your workplan
5. Evaluation 5. Evaluation Daily summary Daily summary Weekly evaluation Weekly evaluation End-of-course evaluation End-of-course evaluation Post-course evaluation Post-course evaluation
Evaluation Daily Summary – by a report team Daily Summary – by a report team Weekly evaluation (on every Friday) Weekly evaluation (on every Friday) End of the Course Evaluation End of the Course Evaluation Post-Course Evaluation Post-Course Evaluation Through follow-up activities to monitor implementation of work plans Through follow-up activities to monitor implementation of work plans After-1year-ealuation questionnaire. After-1year-ealuation questionnaire.
6. Distribution of Responsibilities 6. Distribution of Responsibilities Team Leader Team Leader Daily Report Team Daily Report Team Recreation Team Recreation Team
Team Leader Rotates weekly (no re-election) Assists and encourages participants to be punctual at all times especially for training sessions Assists and encourages participants to keep the training room tidy Assists trainers/resource persons as necessary Gives a vote of thanks to resource persons Sets an example of participation and encourages other participants to actively participate.
Daily Report Team Rotates daily – formed by a pair of participants Takes notes of, and summarizes the major points and key findings of each training session Reports the summary of the previous day s training sessions at the beginning of the day (10 minutes).
Recreation Team Rotates weekly – formed by 5 participants Plans, proposes and arranges social and cultural activities or events during free time or for weekend Plans and implements short energizers that participants can demonstrate during or between training sessions (e.g. singing a song, stretching or exercising) Should decide a coordinator.
7. Other Important Issues 7. Other Important Issues Pre-Course Assignment Pre-Course Assignment Course website Course website Use of PCs/Internet Use of PCs/Internet Security issues Security issues
Pre-Course Assignments Pre-Course Orientation Pre-Course Orientation Country Report Country Report Resource materials Resource materials Research and preparations Research and preparations
Course Website /2005/A _web/ Contains all the records of the training course; Contains all the records of the training course; Serves as a database of resource materials and course works; and Serves as a database of resource materials and course works; and Offers a networking point for the participants and resource persons. Offers a networking point for the participants and resource persons.
Use of PCs and Internet In the classroom In the classroom In the lobby of Pavilion L In the lobby of Pavilion L In the Computer Lab. In the Computer Lab.
Security Issues On campus On campus In cities. In cities.
8. Q & A 8. Q & A
Any Questions/Clarifications? About objectives? About objectives? About target outputs? About target outputs? About specific contents? About specific contents? About study visit? About study visit? About … anything? About … anything?
Please enjoy the program and get the most out of it! ACTRAV-Turin