Population Issues
Impact of OVERPOPULATION Inadequate fresh water Depletion of natural resources, especially fossil fuels. Deforestation and loss of ecosystems High infant and child mortality. Low life expectancy Starvation, malnutrition Poverty coupled Inflation (higher prices due to increased demand.) Unhygienic living conditions Elevated crime rate. Increased levels of pollution (Air, water, soil & noise)
Economic Impact of immigration and Emigration Brain Drain or influx of skills & expertise Employment & Unemployment Creation of businesses & jobs Social Programs Social Assistance, Pension Plans etc.) Taxes (Increase? Paying in?) Housing shortages Crime (Impact on Retails Prices, courts, prisons – costs etc.) Health Care Costs Economic Impact of immigration and Emigration
Factors Contributing to a “Graying Population” Refer to notes on “Highly Developed Countries – Low DEATH Rates”..reasons given were: Advances in modern medicine and technology Access to health care Affordable health care Education & knowledge about healthy lifestyles & choices. Improved water and sanitation!!!! Better nutrition choices!!!!
Factors that an individual considers before deciding to migrate... Refer to notes on “Push factors, pull factors, repel factors, + factors of origin and intervening obstacles. Be sure to use appropriate terms! Be sure to examine BOTH the POSITIVE and NEGATIVE of the ORIGIN and the DESTINATION. AND don’t forget the INTERVENING OBSTACLES!
Why should be allow OR not allow migrants? Refer to notes on “ Positive Impacts of Immigration” and/or “Negative Impacts of Immigration” Depends on the stance or position you take!