To begin the narration, switch to Slide View and wiggle the mouse over the text on the slide. Please see the accompanying documentation for information about authoring scripts and the command syntax. A short summary is included in the next Notes page. You can put any text that you want right here as long as it is above the demarcation line below (you might want to think of it as the magic marker). ^*#{}#*^ SHOW james, james.acs, 83, 80 SAY Hello! SLIDE 2=SAY Why don’t we go to the next slide?
Paul and Timothy Acts 16:1-5; Honor God by Helping Others Help by Being a Friend Paul and Timothy Acts 16:1-5; Philippians 2:19-24; 1 Thessalonians 3:2-6 Help by Being a Friend To begin the narration, switch to Slide View and wiggle the mouse over the text on the slide. ^*#{}#*^ SHOW james, james.acs, 5,50 SAY Hello, Thanks for coming to Sunday School! I’m glad to see you today. PLAY Greet SAY I am James, your computer teacher for this morning. PLAY Explain SAY Do you have any friends? ^PAUSE=150^ Friends are important, and today we’ll be looking at the Bible record of two friends who were really very different, but whose friendship was pleasing and honoring to God. PLAY RestPose SLIDE 3 = SAY The two friends are Paul and Timothy. We’ll study more about them in a moment. NOTE: This is the version of the Presentation Narrator written specifically for Microsoft PowerPoint 97.
One friend in a lifetime is much; two are many; three are hardly possible. --Henry Adams ^*#{}#*^ MOVE 5,60 PLAY Pleased SAY Friends are important. There are many kinds of friends, but a really good friend is very valuable. A true friend always wants what is best for \emp\ you, not for himself. PLAY LookUpLeftBlink SAY Henry Adams put it this way: PLAY Explain SAY One friend in a lifetime is \emp\ much; ^PAUSE=500^ two are many; ^PAUSE=500^ three are hardly possible. PLAY RestPose SLIDE 4 = SAY A real long-lasting friendship between two people is rare, but that’s the kind of friendship Paul and Timothy had.
LYSTRA ^*#{}#*^ MOVE 5,30 SAY We first read about Timothy in the book of Acts, written by Doctor Luke. PLAY Explain SAY Paul and {Barnebus=Barnabas} were sent out as missionaries by the church at Antioch. On this first missionary journey, they came to a city named Lystra. NEXT PLAY LookLeft SAY In Lystra, Paul preached about Jesus and healed a crippled man. PLAY Sad SAY But some Jews who didn’t like Paul’s message about Jesus came from Antioch, and stirred up the people to stone Paul and leave him for dead. PLAY Alert SAY Paul recovered and went on telling people about Jesus. SAY It was during Paul’s second missionary journey with {Sighlus=Silas}, that we first read about Timothy. PLAY Read SAY The story is in the book of Acts, chapter 16, verses 1 through 5. PLAY ReadReturn SLIDE 5 = SAY Paul met Timothy at Lystra.
^*#{}#*^ MOVE 70,5 SAY Timothy’s father was Greek. His mother was Jewish, but had become a Christian. PLAY Explain SAY Both Timothy’s mother, Eunice, and his grandmother, Lois, were devout Jews and now devoted Christians. They had passed their faith on to Timothy from the time he was a child. PLAY RestPose SLIDE 6 = SAY Because Timothy’s father was not Jewish, Timothy had not been circumcised.
^*#{}#*^ MOVE 20,30 PLAY Explain SAY Paul and Timothy were as different from each other as they could be. PLAY DoMagic1 SAY Paul was much older than Timothy. SAY Paul was a Jew. Timothy’s mother was a Jew, but his father was a Gentile. SAY Paul was brought up in accord with strict Jewish laws, but Timothy had not even been circumcised. PLAY RestPose SAY Circumcision was a basic requirement for all Jewish males. PLAY Pleased SAY One thing brought Paul and Timothy together. ^PAUSE=500^ Both were Christians. SAY We don’t know for sure, but Paul may have been the person who first told Timothy, his mother Eunice, and his grandmother Lois, about Jesus. SLIDE 7 = SAY The Christians in Lystra told Paul what a faithful Christian Timothy was. Paul invited Timothy to accompany him and {Sighlus=Silas} on the rest of their missionary journey, and Timothy was happy to join them.
^*#{}#*^ MOVE 5,20 PLAY LookLeft SAY Timothy knew that the journey would be dangerous. PLAY Explain SAY He knew that some people didn’t like the message that Paul preached, and would try to stop him, or even try to kill him. PLAY RestPose SAY But Paul, {Sighlus=Silas}, and Timothy traveled on from city to city telling people about Jesus. SAY Timothy knew that he could not go into the Synagogue where Paul preached, if he had not obeyed all the Jewish laws. So Timothy allowed himself to be circumcised. PLAY Pleased SLIDE 8 = SAY The Bible tells us that many people asked Jesus to be their Savior and joined the churches where the three men traveled.
^*#{}#*^ MOVE 60,10 PLAY LookRight SAY Paul and Timothy remained friends for a long time. After many years, Paul wrote in the letter to the Philippians that Timothy was like a son to him. PLAY RestPose SAY Since Paul was in prison and could not travel, he planned to send Timothy to {Phillip-I=Philippi}. Timothy could encourage the Philippians, because he placed the cause of Jesus and the needs of others ahead of his \emp\ own needs. PLAY Explain SAY In his first letter to the Thessalonians, Paul called Timothy a brother and a fellow worker in spreading the gospel. The Thessalonian church was undergoing trials, and Paul wanted to send Timothy to encourage them. PLAY Alert SLIDE 9 = SAY Later we learn that Timothy \emp\ did go to Thessalonia and returned to Paul with good news about the faith and love of the church there.
^*#{}#*^ MOVE 40,30 PLAY Explain SAY Timothy was a good friend to Paul. Paul was truly a friend to Timothy. Even though they were different, their friendship honored God, as they went about from place to place telling people about Jesus. PLAY Pleased SAY Timothy was a faithful friend whatever the circumstances. He stood beside his friend Paul in times of peril and in good times. He was a friend! PLAY DoMagic1 SAY I wish for each of you that you might find a friend like Timothy, at some time in your life. SAY Remember, the Bible says that He who would have friends must first \emp\ be a friend. PLAY RestPose SAY That’s it for now. Have a great week, and try to make some friends! PLAY Wave SAY See you soon! HIDE