Question 5 How did you attract your audience?
Target Audience Our target audience was people between the age range of 17-27 but it can appeal to the much older. As it’s an independent indie film. Most Thrillers
Marketing Tools Push Advertisement Pull Advertisement Reviews in well known magazines Facebook Posters Around Town Twitter Phone Boxes YouTube Film Festivals Online Adverts Interviews Our film is a low budget independent film we couldn’t use extreme Push & Pull methods of advertisement. The ones we couldn’t use are the TV Adverts, having a big name actor and even having a celebrity support and promote our film. We couldn't use these due them being way out of our budget.
Reviewing Feedback When our OTS was shown to the rest of the class we were given lots of feedback on it. They commented on our project with positive and some constructed feedback. The constructive feedback was the fact that it was over edited in some parts . A lot of people said that the props and Mise En Scene used were effective, also the antagonist costume was good as it made it more mysterious. When I went to review I felt like the feedback given made me feel like we achieved the certain target audience that we were targeting.