Assyria, Babylon, and Persia Ancient Mesopotamia Assyria, Babylon, and Persia
1.) In this society, women were forced to wear veils.
2.) King Nebuchadnezzar built the Hanging Gardens
3.) Darius and Cyrus the Great stretched the Persian Empire from Turkey to India.
4.) Hammurabi introduced the first code of laws.
5.) These were brutal, warlike people who made advances in iron weaponry Their punishments included dismemberment (cutting off limbs, ears, nose, lips, castration, etc.), impalement upon a stake, they also forced their captives to hard labor. Rebellious cities prisoners of war were flayed (skinned) alive, blinded, or had their tongues torn out; they were impaled, burned, and put to death in other ways.
6.) King Assurbanipal created the first library.
7.) Introduced people to Zoroasticism.
8.) Had the capital city of Nineveh.
9.) They conquered the Babylonians.
10.) They conquered the Assyrians.