The Risks……. The Results…….. Teen Pregnancy The Risks……. The Results……..
The Risks Young girls bodies may not be fully developed
The Risks Teens are twice as likely to have low-birth weight babies or premature babies compared to older mothers
The Risks The risk of infant death is twice as high for teenage mothers as it is for older mothers The risk of maternal death is much greater for young teens than for older women
The Risk Poorly nourished teens are more likely to get toxemia and more likely to become anemic during pregnancy
The Risks Many teens do not get adequate prenatal care
The Results 80% of teenage mothers never finish high school Teenage fathers who accept responsibility of their parenthood are less likely to graduate from high school
The Results Teenage parents, who may lack adequate job skills, are more likely to have low-paying jobs or to be unemployed and on welfare Teenage marriages are three times more likely to end in divorce