Revision of the Work Plan RDE-LDV working group 28 June 2012, Brussels, EU Pierre Bonnel DG - Joint Research Centre (JRC) IET - Institute for Energy and Transport
Work Plan Revision Stakeholders views on the following elements: ‘Technical’ agenda, i.e. discuss which elements of the work plan need to be revised, new elements to address open issues? Resources (Manpower, vehicles, labs, instruments, databases, software,…) Timeline
Work Plan Revision Constraints: 3 main elements (Random Cycle, PEMS, Boundary Conditions) ‘Critical mass’ required for Phase 3 WLTP Timing possibly driving the RC timing (Synergies of some validation exercises?)
Work Plan Revision Top priorities: Boundary conditions Specifications for the Random cycle generator
Work Plan Revision PEMS Priority issues: data evaluation, equivalency mechanism with the random cycle Step 1 – Provision of ‘baseline’ procedures Testing protocol Instructions for the data evaluation, both baseline & variations Exclusions strategies based on the agreed boundary conditions Step 2 – Recruitment-selection of vehicles and procurement of PEMS instruments - Pool of ‘golden’ vehicles (3, 4? Representative for key Euro 6 technologies) with ‘golden’ PEMS (vehicles to be tested at different locations, also with other test systems)?
Work Plan Revision PEMS Step 3 – Testing including Definition of light (minimum requirements) and intensive test programs Estimated 1 (light) or 2 (intensive) weeks / vehicle: Laboratory ‘back to back’ with the ‘post Step 3’ RC generator) Step 4 – Data consolidation
Work Plan Revision Random cycle (1) Priority issues: Specifications, drivability, learning, application at large scale Step 1 - Updated specifications from the random cycle generator, including for instance (non exhaustive list): ‘Definitions’ for the necessary design elements (e.g. input/output, how to create the limitation curve, definition of indicators for the severity, etc..) Strategy for the creation of the ST database and the ST selection process …. Step 2 – Phase 2 version of the RC software
Work Plan Revision Random cycle (1) Step 3 – ‘Small scale’ evaluation of the RC software / Iterations and modifications if needed Step 4 – Phase 3 version of the RC software Step 5 – ‘Large scale’ evaluation of the RC software (Pilot project – WLTP?)
Work Plan Revision Next steps /priorities for next meeting: Revised work plan (including planning) Proposal for the boundary conditions Specifications for the random cycle generator Pool of ‘golden’ vehicles - Working documents will be circulated upfront and discussed during the next meeting