Florida Literacy Coalition, Inc. Florida’s Adult and Family Literacy Resource Center 2004 ANNUAL MEETING PROGRAM OVERVIEW
MISSION We promote, support and advocate for the effective delivery of adult and family literacy services in Florida.
Training and Technical Assistance FLC offers professional development opportunities which provide literacy practitioners and volunteers with tools and resources to enhance program quality.
We have offered 30 training opportunities including: Literacy Leadership Institute Literacy Ambassadors Training Program Train the Trainer and Tutor Training State Meeting of Literacy Coalitions Web Development Project Workshops given in partnership with Rollins College Philanthropy and Non-Profit Leadership Center. The Adult Reading Components Study Grant Writing Student Involvement and Leadership Emerging Research in Adult Basic Education
Literacy Promotion and Toll Free Literacy Hotline FLC promotes reading and raises awareness about literacy issues in Florida. A trained referral specialist provides on call information about education programs and volunteer opportunities throughout the state. Sept-April, 1833 referrals were made. TV Public Service Announcements Partnership with Dept. of Transportation Newspapers
Publications and Resources FLC provides a wide range of free reference and outreach materials, serving as a clearinghouse for the distribution of quality resource materials for literacy instructors and administrators.
Publications and Resources Continued… Last year over 66,980 resource materials were distributed by the Center. Publications developed by the Florida Literacy Coalition include: The Florida Literacy Data and Statistics Reference Guide The Florida Literacy Directory and Resource Guide, 2003 Project-Based Classroom Activities Based on Equipped for the Future.
Networking & Communications FLC promotes and facilitates information sharing, networking and collaborative programming among literacy providers. Discussion Lists. The Literacy News Newsletter. Internet: In partnership the National Institute for Literacy’s LINCS system, FLC’s web site offers a portal to access literacy-related research, statistics, events, curriculum materials, training resources and promising practices. Last year, logged over 70,000 visits to web site.
Florida Literacy Conference One of Florida’s premier literacy events, this three day annual conference offers a wide range of training and networking opportunities to literacy practitioners and volunteers. Date: May 4-7, Adams Mark Hotel, Daytona Beach Conference Theme: Celebrate Florida Literacy
Family Literacy Development Project Partnership with Florida Literacy and Reading Excellence (FLARE) Program Provide training and technical assistance to elementary schools interested in developing family literacy programs.
A Look to Next Year Train the Trainer – Reading and ESL Instruction Learning Disabilities – Research Based Online Assessment Tool. State Hotline Outreach Campaign Study Circle Pilot Program with NCSALL Best Practices Exchange Literacy Ambassador Project and VALUE Core Leadership Training for Students Non-profit Program Management Training Financial Literacy Advocacy
VISTA Project Marketing and Public Awareness Resource and Information Sharing Student Involvement and Leadership Development
Florida Literacy Coalition Staff Greg Smith, Executive Director Kelley Jain, Training and Education Coordinator Susan Horton, Resource Specialist Marcia Morales, Referral Specialist/Admin. Assistant Dottie Jones, Book Keeper