InfoDay 2013 ENV Calls in FP7 11 June 2012 Dr Raquel Cabral Harper Centre for Water Resources Research School of Civil, Structural & Environmental Engineering University College Dublin Belfield, Dublin 4, Ireland Tel:+353-1-7163215; Fax:+353-1-7163297 E-mail: ENV.2013.6.3-2 ENV.2013.6.3-1
Who we are Dr Yaqian Zhao University College Dublin School of Civil, Structural and Environmental Engineering (Water and Environmental Engineering) We have full background expertise in wastewater treatment R&D. Dr Zhao has authored more than 150 publications including the 4th most cited environmental science paper in the world
Our Idea to demonstrate and promote the newly developed novel constructed wetland system for various wastewater treatments; to showcase the beneficial reuse of water industrial waste/sludge as raw material in wastewater treatment, i.e. using “waste” for wastewater treatment
Our objectives are: We are looking join an existing consortium ENV.2013.6.3-2 Eco-innovative demonstration projects ENV.2013.6.3-1 Turning waste into a resource through innovative technologies, processes and services UCD currently has 115 EU FP7 contracts, with an additional 20 in negotiation