Technical update 26 of June 2017 EU-CEG Technical update 26 of June 2017 1
Agenda Statistics Status ETRUSTEX GUI upgrade to java 7 XML creator 1.2.2 bug found - solution provided XML creator version 1.3.0 status and content XML creator - Open source solution Submitter details Submission type 2 - withdrawal of original product Submissions visible in MSREP - delay issue from last month Additional submission types EUCEG next steps for 2017
Accounts in production - figures 1. Statistics Period 2017 September December March N° of accounts created 648 1739 2074 E-ETRUSTEX web interface users 444 1359 1672 System-to-system users (AS4 access point) 204 380 402 AS4 active users 2 13 14 June 2562 2072 490 14 3
Submissions in production - figures 1. Statistics Period 2017 September December March June N° of industries submitting in production 41 522 787 1125 Tobacco products 378 21612 23246 26838 E-cigarette products 1562 73613 96541 144403 Total number of products 1940 95225 119787 171241 Total number of submissions treated by the system > 600 000 4
2. Status ETRUSTEX GUI 2.10.0 upgrade to java 7 Status : delayed DIGIT B2 responsible for the ETRUSTEX GUI delivered the version 2.10.0 (move to java 7) end of the previous week. Next steps : Installation of the new version 2.10.0 in acceptance end of this week to allow you to test the upgrade to java 7.
3. XML creator 1.2.2 bug found - solution provided Problem: For all NEW PRODUCT or NEW INGREDIENT encoded in the XML CREATOR v 1.2.x from 19 May 2017 14:59 till now the value of the field "Toxicity status" and "Confidentiality_status" are always set to "0" in the XML file no matter what had been selected. Immediate solution : Information communicated on the website. Version 1.2.3 with bug fix published on CircaBC Improvement for next release: Improved testing method. extended FULL manual testing of datasets additional bulk automated testing for multiple datasets Note published in CIRCABC – 28/06/2017: For all NEW PRODUCT or NEW INGREDIENT encoded in the XML CREATOR v 1.2.x from 19 May 2017 14:59 till now the value of the field "Toxicity status" is always set to "0" in the XML file no matter what had been selected. Please check all the related data entries. This issue is now fixed and a new release 1.2.3 is available in the folder: Library > Latest versions of technical documents > XML submission through web interface (XMLCreator, ETRUSTEX) If you have already installed version 1.2.x and you want to move to 1.2.3 then the migration is not necessary – You only need to copy the data, export and backup folders to the root folder of version 1.2.3. If you are still using version 1.1.3 and you want to move to 1.2.x please consult the step-by-step guide for migration included in the release note published in CircaBC. Please do not hesitate to contact the support if you encounter any problem. EU-CEG Team Improved testing method: Details: For any new future release of XML Creator, the non-regression testing procedure will be reinforced With an extended FULL manual testing of 3 to 7 product-type submission checking, including 1 to 3 ingredients for each. The testing volume of fields is: around 100 fields per product and 35 fields per ingredients (this depend on the XML creator version). With an additional bulk automated testing in order to double-check and extend the manual testing . The tool under assessment is SIKULI ( . This will permit to extend the covering of the tests.
4. XML creator version 1.3.0 status and content Status : in progress Release content: 1. Performance Improve the performance issue by adding an embedded database in the XML creator to index and give the possibility to search item in the list. 2. Search in list Possibility to search in the list of tobacco products and e-cigarettes and attachments. 3. Handling of the error messages Improvement of the warning messages to help the users to find the errors in the screens. Next steps: Test release candidate
5. XML creator - Open source solution Rationale / advantages : For some submitters to add and/or test new features Potential sharing towards the community (copy /paste ingredients / products, better handling of the error messages, layout …) Constraints : The change management of the modified source will be under the own responsibility of the version provider Developer community management formula is open for consideration by stakeholders 5. XML creator - Open source solution The EC welcomes any test/extension proposal of the XML Creator tool, via improvement of the source code as open-source. In order to control the incidents raised to the helpdesk, the EC suggests this procedure, counting on your understanding (any feedback welcome): In case a submitter has modified/ added some features in the XML creator source (“open source add-on”) , and experiences an incident in a submission, it will Use the standard Functional MailBox SANTE EUCEG ITSUPPORT for submitting its incident, by reproducing the incident case with the OFFICIAL current version of XML Creator. In case the results are different between the official version, and its own modified version of the source, It may nevertheless submit a ticket to the helpdesk , with a clear title starting with “XML creator open source add-on / <<subject of incident>>“ . This ticket will be treated with a lower priority. The modified source will be transmitted to the Helpdesk The submitter accepts that its source is analysed and that any extension to the code can be shared to the community and reused for any future official release of XML creator, with a mention of its author. The modifying developer is responsible of its own version, so to keep up with the subsequent changes occurring made by EC services on the OFFICIAL version, changes which will be clearly documented in the official source (e.g. “REM change for version 1.2.X”) in order to facilitate the modifying developer’s work. The EC services counts on the good collaboration with the Industry submitters. In case some deviance is observed, the possibility of opening the source to submitters could be reconsidered, or only a selected subset of submitters using a modified source with this agreed procedure will be allowed to request help from the helpdesk.
6. Submitter details Situation: As a user of the ETRUSTEX GUI you can be linked to multiple submitter ID'S. As the submitter XML (contact details) does not contain the submitter ID, human error can be easily done by sending the wrong contact details to another submitter in your list. NO reference to the submitter ID in the XML. The contact details is sent by an authenticated submitter. No need to have the submitter ID indicated.
6. Submitter details Scenario 1 (correct) Scenario 2 (incorrect) User X is authenticated through the ETRUSTEX GUI and is linked to 2 different submitters (00001 and 99999) User X wants to submit a new contact details for submitter 00001 EUCEG receives the new contact details from the submitter 0001 and the new version of the contact details is stored for submitter 0001 Scenario 2 (incorrect) User X is authenticated through the ETRUSTEX GUI is linked to 2 different submitters (00001 and 99999) User X wants to submit a new contact for submitter 99999 but the user forget to change the submitter ID in the drop down list and he is still submitting for 00001 EUCEG receives a new contact details of the submitter 99999, this new version of the contact details is stored for submitter 00001 6. Submitter details
6. Submitter details Feedback on this point ? Action to avoid the scenario 2: 1. Manual verification by the enterer: ensure the correct submitter is selected before submission 2. New system feature : reinforcement of the validation : Addition of the submitter ID in the submitter XML (contact detail) Allowing an extra validation at the EUCEG level Impact on the XSD / XML creator – big change and coordination Not trivial effort to be estimated Feedback on this point ?
7. Submission type 2 - withdrawal of original product There is no automatic withdrawal of a product that has been replaced by another one. The submitter must use the "withdrawal date" to withdraw the replaced product from the MS list. How to withdraw product that has been replaced by a new one (submission type 2)? Scenario: Product "100" is active in FR, BE and ES, I want to replace the product by a new one only for FR and BE. Send a submission type 2 , new product ID "101" replacing product "100" in FR, BE FR and BE receive the new product "101" in their database Product "100" remains in FR and BE until the indicated withdrawal date if the withdrawal date not indicated previously a new submission with the date updated must be sent as submission type 4 (withdrawal of a presentation) 12
8. Submissions visible in MSREP Last month we had consequent delays between the acknowledgement of the submission by EUCEG and the moment the data were made visible to the MS reporting system. What happened? Normal submission rate is 1000 to 1200 submissions per day. Last month we received more than 40 000 submissions in one day. Result : Consequent delays in the data splitting phase (make the submissions visible in MSREP). overview of the data processing
8. MSREP delay issue from last month – data processing 1 2 4 5 Submitters MS Reception Validation MSREP Reception MSREP splitting phase Publication in MSREP system flagged as "new" submissions in the screen ETRUSTEX GUI web interface to submit the XML files User credential control Timestamp reception date (submission date) 1. XSD structure validation 2. Business rules validation 1. Valid XML reception and loading XML data are extracted and splited per MS (process run every night) Generation of excel files XML creator XML XML XML XML FR NODE Gateway MSREP BE MSREP web interface ES ES ES System to system (AS4 access point) 3 Acknowledgment receipt Submitter receives a success or business error message
8. MSREP delay issue from last month - Average time per phase 1 EUCEG Reception Average time = 2-3 seconds From the reception to the validation and the submission of the acknowledgment receipt (reception of the success or error message by the submitter) There is an impact if we have a huge submission peak. The time can increase to max few hours. 2 Submitter EUCEG Validation 3 EUCEG submitter acknowledgment receipt 4 MSREP reception Average time = 24 Hours (The processing is executed mainly during the night to avoid impact on the MSREP web interface performance.) Once loaded the submissions the process to split by MS is started. Depending on the number of submission receive the splitting phase can take a lot of time. MS 5 MSREP splitting phase Publication in MSREP system (flagged as "new" submissions in the screen )
8. MSREP delay issue from last month Current status : Backload is fully treated and the process is back to normal (24 hours before to see the submissions) Script to split the data (phase 5) improved (the process can now handle around 10 000 submissions in one day previously max 1 200 – capacity to split the data has been multiplied by 10. MS agreement on the management by EC of the submission queue 16
9. Additional submission types Submission types have been activated since version 1.2.x: Submission types Description 1 - New product Reporting/notification of information on a new product (new Product ID). 2 - Product modification leading to a new Product ID number Substantial modification of information on a previously reported/notified product leading to a new Product ID (with a link to the previous Product ID). 3 – Add presentation Addition of product presentation (e.g. national market) to an existing product submission. 4 - Remove presentation Removal of product presentation, including product withdrawal, from an existing product submission. 5 – Update of existing product information Update of information on a previously reported/notified product submission at product and/or presentation level not leading to a new Product ID. 6 – Periodical update Update of information required to be submitted for reported/notified products in regular intervals (annually), such as sales data or actual quantities of ingredients. 7 - Corrections Correction of clerical/administrative errors in existing product submission. 17
9. Additional submission types How are they integrated in the XML Creator release v1.2.x? 18
9. Additional submission types The submission process will remained the same for the additional submission types The entire file has to be re-submit with the correct submission type Webinar with MS on 14 June: Please ensure that each submission type must be used for a certain purpose, if changes are made elsewhere the submission file may not be taken into account by authorities. Please note that as of 15 July 2017 changes not compliant with the selected submission type may not be taken into account by the authorities 19
10. Next steps for 2017 XML creator 1.3.0 ETRUSTEX GUI 2.10.0 MSREP improvements and new features