Breaking Away From England
Taxes A certain amount of money taken by the Government from each citizen in order to run a community
Reasons for taxes: Roads Schools Parks Libraries Government officials
Important dates in history (1763-1774)
1763 Colonists were expected to pay for anything the soldiers need.
1764 Sugar and Currency Act Charged taxes on sugar, coffee, fabrics Told they were not allowed to print Money
1765 Stamp Act Every legal document get taxed including marriage certificates, and newspapers.
1766 Quartering Act Told that the colonists were required to house and feed every soldier.
1767 Paint, glass and tea were all taxed
1773 Boston Tea Party Sons of Liberty- dumped 342 chests of tea into the ocean worth thousands of dollars.
1774 Intolerable Acts British closed Bostons port and Massachusetts was under military rule. First Continental Congress Sent a list of complaints to King George III. War broke out before the Second Congress
Reasons for Independence: Most taxes were being sent to Britain rather than being kept local. The Colonists believed that they should only be taxed by their own local elected representative which resulted in the American Revolutionary War. Why is important to keep the tax dollars local?
What should we gather from this slide show? The Colonists had enough and because of their strong beliefs our country became the way we know it today.
1776 Declaration of Independence http://www. archives