“Learning to Talk With Our Walk!”


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Presentation transcript:

“Learning to Talk With Our Walk!” 1 Peter 2:11-25

“…I will in about two days, but for right now I love the sound of quiet.”

Man in line for airline ticket Man in line for airline ticket. Customer before him was verbally abusing the ticket agent… “How did you do that?” She smiled and said…

to better learn how to let our light shine through the submissive walk Purpose: to better learn how to let our light shine through the submissive walk

I Doing This with HUMAN GOVERNMENT (2:13-17) A. The Purpose of Government

If you were to ask the average US citizen what the purpose of our government was, you would hear what?

I Doing This with HUMAN GOVERNMENT (2:13-17) A. The Purpose of Government B. His Church Thrives in any Political Situation

Who in our text was the king Peter says should be honored Who in our text was the king Peter says should be honored? Nero – the mad man who in his lifetime murdered thousands of Christians!

Luke 6:22-23; 27-36

II Doing This with HARSH EMPLOYMENT(2:18-20) A. Concerning the Term Slave (oikeths) B. Handling Unfairness in the Work Place

“I would hate to think I’m a Christian and I can’t forgive… It’s not about whether my dismissal is fair. It’s all about whether I’m going to handle it like a Christian…”

III Doing This with the INJUS- TICES OF LIFE (2:21-25) A. Christ Gave a Precedence of Silence

Jesus handed Himself over to His Father, confident His Father would do right!

III Doing This with the INJUS- TICES OF LIFE (2:21-25) A. Christ Gave a Precedence of Silence B. Christians Approach the World with Grace

“Well, you have to stand on this chair and use these binoculars and then you’ll see!”

Ali was told by a flight attendant to fasten his seatbelt Ali was told by a flight attendant to fasten his seatbelt. Ali replied, “Superman don’t need no seatbelt!” To which the flight attendant replied sweetly…

Summary and Conclusion Christians are either the best or worst argument for Christianity. It’s been said there are only 2 reasons why people choose NOT to become Christians: 1) they don’t know any Christians… 2) they do!...