1.1 Key message and lessons ? Importance of MLE Definition of MLE – lots of confusion on the definition + lack of fully understanding at all levels Lost of Language The importance of Bridging Language Support from government and policy makers will contribute to the success of MLE development and sustainability Benefits of MLE to Education for ALL
1.1 Key message and lessons ? Benefits of MLE to (cont’) Improving learning process of minority groups / children Sustaining local wisdoms Improving national security Encouraging participation and cooperation of local people/ minorities
1.2 Most Relevant ? We do not have MLE policy in the National Law, Educational Act, Policy
1.3 What to change The MLE MUST be included in the Educational Policy and National Language Policy by stating explicitly and clearly with the DIRECT and CLEAR message No more using the word “Culture”
2 Who ? Regional Level Ministerial Bodies Educational Ministerial Council (SEAMEO) International Funding Agencies: WB, ADB. Regional and International Education or Language or HR Development Agencies SIL, SEAMEO, UNESCO, UNICEF, UNDP, ASEAN, CARE, Save the Children, FAL etc . International Mass Media
2 Who ? National Level Policy makers at all levels Prime Minister Ministers of relevant ministries (Interior Affairs, Defense, National Security Committee) Minister of Education Permanent Secretary/ Educational Inspectors Head of Basic Education/ Non Formal Edu. National Education Council Head of Academic Affairs and Educational Standard / Curriculum Devel.
2 Who ? National Level Research & Development Institutes Local Education/ Language/ HR Development Agencies Universities / Teacher Colleges Elites, Opinion Leaders Mass Media Language Educators, Scholars, Practitioners General Public
2 Who ? Provincial Level Local Governors Local Educational Administrators Local Teacher Colleges Schools/ Teachers
2 Who ? Local Level - Ethnolinguistic Head of community/ head of village Community Learning Centers/ Teachers Local Schalars/ Village Scholars Head of Religious Villagers - parents, member of communities Learners
3 How will communicate the key message Set up the Focal Center/Committee or Training Center on MLE by utilizing the existing Research and Development Language Center of Mahidol University Local & Inter Forum on MLE Utilize capacity of Inter Development Agencies to motivate or drive this issue to the Ministerial level Publizise - Simple, go to the point Attractive - Visual presentation
4 What Additional Resources Set up a MLE Training Center by utilizing the Institute of Language and Culture for Rural Development (ILCRD), Mahidol University. The tasks: Research & Development Training Center Clearing House Policy Dialogue Publication Development Implementation/ field work Networking
4 What Additional Resources Financial supports Technical supports Facilities Team and Staff to manage and implement Database, Web Publication development