How do we define personality? The mix of how we feel, think and behave that make us different from everyone else. **VIDEO
Heredity Environment What are the 2 areas that influence our Personality: Heredity and Environment
Heredity and our Personality Do we inherit our personalities? What are the 2 classifications of personalities?
A person who prefers to be alone or with a few friends is an Introvert A person who is very outgoing, likes being in the middle of things is an Extrovert
Can you tell the difference between an introvert and an extrovert **VIDEO Can you tell the difference between an introvert and an extrovert by just looking at them?
Environment and our Personality When do our personalities begin to develop? How do our personalities develop?
Modeling Conditioning learning by reward and punishment learning by watching and imitating others **2 VIDEOS
Is there a certain age in which How do we define Maturity? State of being fully grown Is there a certain age in which maturity occurs?
Self-Esteem? Self-Concept? What is Self-Esteem? ... how you feel about yourself Self-Concept? What is ... how you view yourself and your role in life.
What type of things influence our self esteem and self concept?
Who influences the decisions We make? FRIENDS FAMILY Who influences the decisions We make? RELIGION TEACHERS IDOLS MEDIA
How do you define Peer Pressure? Is peer pressure good or bad? Pressure to do something because your friends want you to. Is peer pressure good or bad?
Direct Pressure? What is... The pressure that results from someone who tries to convince you to do something you normally wouldn’t do.
indirect Pressure? What is... The pressure that results from being swayed to do something because people you look up to are doing it.
What are some examples of Direct Pressure and indirect pressure you see daily?