Academic spotlight: project overview, conclusions, and recommendations Presentation to the West Virginia Board of Education November 13, 2015 Dr. Gypsy M. Denzine, Dean and Dr. Gregory D. Epps Sr., Senior Consultant West Virginia University College of Education and Human Services
Agenda Project overview Research Findings recommendations
Project overview: Partners Claude Worthington Benedum Foundation (Mr. Jim Denova) West Virginia University College of Education and Human Services Reed College of Media Information Technology Services Marshall University WV Board of Education WV Department of Education Southern Regional Education Board Educational Leaders: Dale Lee - WVEA Christine Campbell – AFT Dr. Frank Devano, Monongalia County Superintendent
Project overview: Time Line Grants submitted (April-May 2015) Selected Academic Benchmarks for survey (May 2015) Academic Spotlight website (June 2015) On-line survey launched (July 8–September 30, 2015) Eight town hall meetings (September 2015) Data screening and analysis (October 2015) Content Review Teams (October 12-15, 2015) Final report submitted to WV Department of Education (November 9, 2015)
Project overview: survey Participation limited to WV citizens over the age of 18 Only one IP address Required email address Opportunity to select “retain, remove, move up/down a grade level” Opportunity to provide written comments No overall rating for academic standards
Survey Data analysis Reviewed over 250,000 comments Reviewed ratings and rankings for all standards Identified “bottom 5” for ELA and Mathematics by grade level for the Content Review Teams (CRTs)
Content review teamS (teachers, school administrators, and higher education faculty) West Virginia University October 12-13, 2015 in Morgantown Grades 6-12 Marshall University October 14-15, 2015 in Huntington Grades K-5
Content review teamS FINDINGS Recommended revisions to 54 ELA standards Recommended revisions to 47 Mathematics standards In total, recommended revisions to 101 standards
Findings and Conclusions Majority of feedback received for K-5 ELA Majority of on-line comments were to rewrite the standard for clarity or change to a different grade 82% of on-line sample comprised of educators Questions at Town Hall meetings revealed misunderstandings about the standards CRTs did not suggest adding any new standards
recommendations Specific changes to 101 standards Provide more local control for curriculum and instructional materials choice Simplify current structure and presentation of standards
Thank You For more information Please Contact: Gypsy M. Denzine, Ph.D. Dean, College of Education and Human Services West Virginia University 304.293.5704