Vacation and Tourism Chapter 15 Want to go on vacation?
What is wrong with this picture?
What is wrong with this picture?
What is wrong with this picture?
What is wrong with this picture?
The Do’s and Don’t’s of Touring What are they?
Why Do People Tour? Why do people tour? What kinds of tours do people go on? What are basic safety precautions you should take to travel? What are the positive effects of traveling to the area? What are the negative effects of traveling to the area?
Vocabulary Tourism Sensitivity Tourist Culture Traveler Responsibility Accommodations Globalization Safety Commercialization Tipping Cross-cultural Nightlife Conservation Annoying Pickpocketing Vandalism Litter
What are the effects of tourism? Positive Impacts Negative Impacts Jobs for local people Income for the local economy Helps preserve rural services like buses, village shops and post offices Increased demand for local food and crafts Tourists mainly come to see the scenery and wildlife, so there is pressure to conserve habitats and wildlife Damage to the landscape: litter, erosion, fires, disturbance to livestock, vandalism Traffic congestion and pollution Local goods can become expensive because tourists will pay more Shops stock products for tourists and not everyday goods needed by locals Demand for holiday homes makes housing too expensive for local people Demand for development of more shops and hotels Jobs are mainly seasonal, low paid with long hours
Responsibility What are some responsibilities that we have as tourists? How should we treat locals? How should we treat the environment? How should we treat culture? How should we act? According to culture and customs?
Positive Effects of Vacationing Stress Reduction Heart Disease Prevention Improved Productivity Better Sleep What are the other benefits?
What is Globalization? Globalization is when culture, values, business, religion, and other human inventions go around the world. Globalization can have good and bad effects on culture and people. Globalization can bring wealth and new opportunities to others. Globalization can also destroy traditional culture and local business.
How to express purpose in all tenses Expressing Purpose How to express purpose in all tenses Page 122
Basically, you have “so (that)” + “can” or “could” Expressing Purpose Expressing purpose can happen in the present, future, and the past forms. Basically, you have “so (that)” + “can” or “could” Present or Future Past Thought A “so (that)” subject “can” verb object. Go to the store first so that I can have some time to prepare. I will go to sleep so you can do your homework in peace. Thought A “so (that)” subject “could” verb object. I went to Paris on vacation so that I could have a relaxing time in a big city. I called you in Seoul so I could make sure you were safe.
Research and Present In groups, look at the following ideas: The negative impacts of tourism The positive impacts of tourism Globalization has had a good effect on developing countries Globalization has had a bad effect on developing countries Find at least two sources Create a presentation that will be at least five minutes long