1. rigid 2. elastic 3. flexible This material is easy to stretch and returns to its original (starting) length when let go because it is: 1. rigid 2. elastic 3. flexible
1. fragile 2. flimsy 3. durable The material asphalt is used to build roads. It needs to be: 1. fragile 2. flimsy 3. durable
1. transparent 2. fragile 3. flexible Glass breaks easily because it is: 1. transparent 2. fragile 3. flexible
This float is being used to mark some dangerous rocks below the water This float is being used to mark some dangerous rocks below the water. It needs to be made of a material which is: 1. bendy 2. opaque 3. buoyant
This cot is made of a very rigid material. This means it: 1. will not catch fire easily 2. will not bend easily 3. is easy to clean
Gljksjdhasdjksahdkasdjask Glass is used for windows because it is: 1. translucent 2. transparent 3. opaque
This flexible ruler is probably made of: 1. iron ( a type of metal) 2 This flexible ruler is probably made of: 1. iron ( a type of metal) 2. glass 3. rubber
The material for this parachute needs to be: 1 The material for this parachute needs to be: 1. lightweight and transparent 2. strong and colourful 3. strong and lightweight
Sponges are very absorbent. This means that they: 1 Sponges are very absorbent. This means that they: 1. do not change shape when they are wet 2. can take in and hold a lot of water 3. are waterproof
The material for an umbrella should be: 1. absorbent and durable 2 The material for an umbrella should be: 1. absorbent and durable 2. absorbent and heavy 3. waterproof and light