Neighborhood House: Pathways to Self-Sufficiency Model Family Stability Career Stability Economic Stability Housing Basic Needs Health Employment Education Savings Debt Stability Threshold Met
Family Stability Below Threshold Stability Threshold Met Housing Basic Needs Health Stability Threshold Met Stability Threshold Met Subsidized housing and/or 40 50% of income for housing Occasionally 2 3 out of 4 basic needs covered by subsidies (nutritious foods, transportation, child care and dependent needs) Chronic physical or mental illness not fully managed and may occasionally disrupt life functioning; subsidized health insurance or Medicaid or medical expenses excessive Occasionally demonstrates resiliency, ability to navigate systems, align support for themselves, effectively communicate and net work Living in time limited, overcrowded or unaffordable housing Seldom 4 out of 4 basic needs covered by subsidies (nutritious foods, transportation, child care and dependent needs) Chronic physical or mental illness seldom managed and regularly interferes life functioning; inadequate access to insurance or care Rarely demonstrates resiliency, ability to navigate systems, align support for themselves, effectively communicate and network Homeless or at imminent risk (eviction, couch surfing) Basic Needs not met, Subsidy needed Mental or physical illness interferes with basic life functioning and risking harm; no health insurance or access to care Never or almost demonstrates resiliency, ability to navigate systems, align support for themselves, effectively communicate and network
Family Stability Past Threshold Housing Basic Needs Health FAMILY STABILITY Housing Basic Needs Health No physical or mental illness/illness well managed and practices preventative care; has affordable health insurance coverage None of the four (4) basic needs covered by subsidies (nutritious foods, transportation, child care and dependent needs) physical or mental illness/illness well managed and practices preventative care; has affordable health insurance coverage Persistently & consistently demonstrates resiliency, ability to navigate systems, align support for themselves, effectively communicate and network No physical or mental illness/illness mostly managed and usually practices preventative care; has basic health insurance coverage and can reasonably cover health costs Usually - 1 out of 4 basic needs covered by subsidies (nutritious foods, transportation, child care and dependent needs) No physical or mental illness/illness mostly managed and usually practices Usually but inconsistently demonstrates resiliency, ability to navigate systems, align support for themselves, effectively co mmu nicate and network Stability Threshold Met
Career Stability Below Threshold Stability Threshold Met Employment Education Stability Threshold Met Stability Threshold Met Income Adequacy wages adequate to meet expenses (food, clothing, housing) Less than 1 year vocational/trade training(C.N.A, CDL, Life Skills, JRT etc.) Occasionally demonstrates resiliency, ability to navigate systems, align support for themselves, effectively communicate and net work Underemployed(income less than expenses). Needs public assistance to meet expenses. H.S. Diploma/ GED Completion of ESL Level 6 Rarely demonstrates resiliency, ability to navigate systems, align support for themselves, effectively communicate and network Unemployed No GED or Diploma. Less than level 6 ESL Never or almost demonstrates resiliency, ability to navigate systems, align support for themselves, effectively communicate and network
Career Stability Past Threshold Stability Threshold Met Employment Education Stability Threshold Met Career Stability Employment Education Self Sufficiency Wage- includes benefits. Associates degree, BA or higher Persistently & consistently demonstrates resiliency, ability to navigate systems, align support for themselves, effectively communicate and network Income Surplus- wages exceed expenses (food, clothing, housing) 1- 2 year certificate training (LPN, Welding, Manufacturing, etc.) Usually but inconsistently demonstrates resiliency, ability to navigate systems, align support for themselves, effectively communicate and network Stability Threshold Met
Economic Stability Below Threshold Stability Threshold Met Savings Debt Stability Threshold Met Stability Threshold Met Savings of one month Payment plan in place and meets minimum payments Occasionally demonstrates resiliency, ability to navigate systems, align support for themselves, effectively communicate and network Savings of less than one month Debts in excess of ability to pay; behind in payments Rarely demonstrates resiliency, ability to navigate systems, align support for themselves, effectively communicate and network No Savings Defaults or Non Payment on all/ most Loans; in collections Never or almost demonstrates resiliency, ability to navigate systems, align support for themselves, effectively communicate and network
Economic Stability Past Threshold Stability Threshold Met Savings Debt Stability Threshold Met Economic Stability Savings Debt Savings of 3 month's expenses or more Current on all balances and no outstanding debt other than mortgage/ education/ car loan Persistently & consistently demonstrates resiliency, ability to navigate systems, align support for themselves, effectively communicate and network Savings of more than 2 months Current in payments and plans on paying more than minimum payments Usually but inconsistently demonstrates resiliency, ability to navigate systems, align support for themselves, effectively communicate and network Stability Threshold Met
Neighborhood House: Pathways to Self-Sufficiency Model FAMILY STABILITY CAREER STABILITY ECONOMIC STABILITY Housing Basic Needs Health Employment Education Savings Debt No physical or mental illness/illness well managed and practices preventative care; has affordable health insurance coverage Always - None of the four (4) basic needs covered by subsidies (nutritious foods, transportation, child care and dependent needs) Self Sufficiency Wage- includes benefits. Associates degree, BA or higher Savings of 3 month's expenses or more Current on all balances and no outstanding debt other than mortgage/ education/ car loan Persistently & consistently demonstrates resiliency, ability to navigate systems, align support for themselves, effectively communicate and network No physical or mental illness/illness mostly managed and usually practices preventative care; has basic health insurance coverage and can reasonably cover health costs Usually - 1 out of 4 basic needs covered by subsidies (nutritious foods, transportation, child care and dependent needs) Income Surplus - wages exceed expenses (food, clothing, housing) 1-2 year certificate training(LPN, Welding, Manufacturing, etc.) Savings of more than 2 months Current in payments and plans on paying more than minimum payments Usually but inconsistently demonstrates resiliency, ability to navigate systems, align support for themselves, effectively communicate and network Stability Threshold Met Subsidized housing and/or 40-50% of income for housing Occasionally - 2-3 out of 4 basic needs covered by subsidies (nutritious foods, transportation, child care and dependent needs) Chronic physical or mental illness not fully managed and may occasionally disrupt life functioning; subsidized health insurance or Medicaid or medical expenses excessive Income Adequacy - wages adequate to meet expenses (food, clothing, housing) Less than 1 year vocational/trade training(C.N.A, CDL, Life Skills, JRT etc.) Savings of one month Payment plan in place and meets minimum payments Occasionally demonstrates resiliency, ability to navigate systems, align support for themselves, effectively communicate and network Living in time-limited, overcrowded or unaffordable housing Seldom - 4 out of 4 basic needs covered by subsidies (nutritious foods, transportation, child care and dependent needs) Chronic physical or mental illness seldom managed and regularly interferes life functioning; inadequate access to insurance or care Underemployed(income less than expenses). Needs public assistance to meet expenses. H.S. Diploma/ GED Completion of ESL Level 6 Savings of less than one month Debts in excess of ability to pay; behind in payments Rarely demonstrates resiliency, ability to navigate systems, align support for themselves, effectively communicate and network Homeless or at imminent risk (eviction, couch surfing) Basic Needs not met, Subsidy needed Mental or physical illness interferes with basic life functioning and risking harm; no health insurance or access to care Unemployed No GED or Diploma. Less than level 6 ESL No Savings Defaults or non Payment on all/ most Loans; in collections Never or almost demonstrates resiliency, ability to navigate systems, align support for themselves, effectively communicate and network