Who were the First Japanese? | History of Japan 2 https://youtu.be/1n8Cs9gOW9k Start at thirty seconds and go to seven minutes.
Jomon Period of Japan
Let's Do A Test With Ear Wax This is to show a scientific review of the genetic differences between the Jomon and the Yayoi
Yayoi period Japan
My opinion: The culture and history of the jomon and yayoi period is a culture system that many of japanese society makes references to in anime, and manga, and even the art about the difficulty, the changes that drastically happened, and was the starting point in their society. Comparing this to American society we are a small fraction of time, and we evolve our way of life drastically every generation compared to these societies that fundamentally changed the culture of japan and is apart of it and what keep their idea alive, while America we don’t keep the old ways and we tend to forget what our ancestors did such we need to take a page from the japanese, and of these societies that help establish the culture of Japan
https://youtu.be/1n8Cs9gOW9k Work cited: https://youtu.be/1n8Cs9gOW9k https://www.ancient.eu/Yayoi_Period/ https://www.ancient.eu/Jomon_Period/