Antigone Project Creating a Scene
Your Task In a small group, present one scene from the Greek tragedy, Antigone. Using appropriate costume, action, voice and inflection, present your scene live for your audience (the class). As a group, you will also put together a director’s notebook, which contains character analysis, staging plan, and marked, edited script.
First Step Get to know your characters Look for Motivation Look for Personalities Look for Purpose
Let’s Meet our Characters Six Groups—each get one character Read your character description & the play background on page 251, then fill out the chart on page 249 for your character Consider your character’s point of view, and write an introduction to your character. Be sure to: Include background information from the character’s scenario Provide an explanation that explains the character Predict how the character’s motivations might conflict with those other characters
Welcome to our Meet and Greet! Fill out the rest of your chart. Tea Party
Homework Create a Family Tree for Yourself and then for Antigone Grandpa Grandma Grammy Papa Uncle John Mrs. H Mr. H Auntie Tara Uncle Mark Katie Tyghe
What is the purpose of a Chorus today? Do Now What is the purpose of a Chorus today?
Ode Lyric Poem expressing the feelings or thoughts of a speaker, often celebrating a person, an event, or a thing. What would a Greek chorus’s ode be about?
Chorus reading Get used to the language Read Chorus 1, one word at a time Read Chorus Leader 1, a line at a time Read Chorus 2 with half the class Read Chorus Leader 2 with other half of class Read Chorus 3 all together Volunteer Read Chorus Leader 3 Read Chorus 4 all together
So what does it mean 7 groups—each take a section of this ode Re-write the ode in words we use today Be prepared to read your re-write as a group
Determining Motives by lines
Important Vocabulary Justice Criteria Advance Stress/Inflection Complex character Oral interpretation Stage directions Stichomythia Ode Dynamic Character Static Character Foil
Stage Directions & Motivations Complete questions 1 & 2 (pg. 253) after reading Scene 1 of Antigone on pp 254-257. Complete Check Your Understanding Find and define all the vocab words listed on Page 224.
Jeopardy! About the Author It’s a Tragedy Greek Theater Antigone & Her Family 200 400 600 800 1000