Best Practices in Model Drawing
Purpose of models The purpose of drawing models is to convert the problem sum into a pictorial form. This allows pupils to see the relationship between numbers better. Thus, model is used as a tool to solve problem sums. This is especially helpful when pupils are in Primary 4 onwards, when they face multi-step solution to a problem. In Primary 3, I will be strict in ensuring the habits of good model drawing. This will make drawing models easier for them in their later years.
Basic rules to follow Draw the model wide. This will help when you need to cut each unit into smaller parts. Lines drawn must be straight. If not it will look untidy and difficult to see. Each unit drawn must look the same size. You do not need to make it exactly equal, as long as it looks the same size. Label the model with the numbers in the question and who or what the model belongs to. Put the question mark in the model to show what the question is looking for.
Good example In this example, you can see all units look similar, with all lines straight and all labels properly placed in the model. The question mark is also present to show which part of the model the question is asking for.
Bad examples In these 2 examples, the lines are not straight and the units all look different. When trying to solve problem sums with these models, it will difficult to visualise.
Bad examples In these 2 examples, the numbers in the question is not reflected in the model and the question mark is also missing. At the same time, the names which each model is meant for, is not properly shown (right picture).