Financial Abuse Specialist Team (FAST): A Collaborative Opportunity with Unique Challenges Donata Mikulik, Elder Justice Coordinator (Sonoma), Senior Advocacy Services Mark Vanderscoff, Program Manager (Marin), Adult Social Services
What is FAST ? F Financial A Abuse S Specialist T Team A team that consists of both private and public sector employees and volunteers who provide training and consultation on recognizing, investigating, stopping and preventing financial elder abuse. California Welfare and Institutions Code for MDTs Sections 15610.55, 15633 , 15634, 15636, 15637 , 15754, 10850
History FAST has a history in Marin dating from 2005. Sonoma had a FAST team 2001-2004 but it lacked referrals and consistent membership. At the 2014 Elder Justice Summit, Sonoma learned about the Marin model and re-established FAST in Fall 2015. Late in 2010, Marin County Aging and Adult Services proposed a new form of FAST that would allow county employees and community volunteers to work together towards elder financial abuse prevention.
FAST Goals Decrease Elder Abuse Increase positive case outcomes Increase case prosecution Coordinate community response
THE MODEL FAST Volunteers Must: Sign up and qualify as a County Volunteer Sign a conflict of interest statement Sign a confidentiality oath Obtain criminal record clearance Make a one year commitment Choose a FAST role Attend the FAST team meetings every month(Sonoma)/other month(Marin). Complete any trainings required by Marin County. Send in hours served between the 1st and 5th of every month (Marin)/quarterly (Sonoma).
20 Marin/12 Sonoma Volunteers 3 Service Roles: Financial experts work on financial abuse cases Community educators provide information to the community about elder abuse and how to prevent it Consultants keep the team up to date
FAST Volunteers are: Vetted through County volunteer program Background checked and fingerprinted In agreement with conflict of interest/confidentiality requirements Committed to 1-year terms Able to document hours and submit timesheets
Expert Fields of Experience Real Estate Law Banking Financial Planning Trusts Insurance Assessor Annuities Securities Collectables Accounting Taxes Lending Private Fiduciary
FAST Partners Aging & Adult Services Adult Protective Services Ombudsman District Attorney Public Guardian Law Enforcement Vicim Advocates Legal Aid
Structure FAST Coordintator FAST Facilitator Receives Case referrals; helps with presentation; provides updates Receives Volunteer Interests; provides training & recognition Tracks documentation, submits timesheets to County, Provides meeting reminders and logistical updates Coordinates outreach & public awareness activities Recruits & retains volunteers Coordinator is link with APS that allows FAST to function under MDT W & I code – and is responsible for training all participants as an MDT member.
Behind the Scenes FAST team is chaired by Mark Vanderscoff, Adult Social Services Program Manager, Marin County Aging & Adult Services. Activities are coordinated by Mandy Reyes, Administrative Assistant, Marin County Aging & Adult Services.
Volunteer Perspective Case review Community Educators
Challenges Attendance New cases Long time to resolve a single case Volunteers as expert witnesses
Thank you! Donata Mikulik Mark Vanderskoff