Monday, October 27
Announcement! Mr. Zhao will be observed (again) by Ms. Benich, the sophomore English teacher. She is very nice, so be on your best behavior.
CHANGES Okay, so there are only two changes: Warm-ups for the entire week will be on one page; there will be no more confusion about which warm-up goes where. Mr. Zhao has decided to scrap the Research Paper packet; he will give you points along the way instead.
Warm-Up: Monday, October 27 (Page 231) Objective: To begin doing research on your STEM individual. Question: In research, where do you go to find out where to specifically find detailed information on your topic?
Group Sharing Time! Take a minute to share your proposal with the other members of the group. Start with the student with the shortest hair and then go clockwise. Mr. Zhao will collect your proposals at the end of class.
Cornell Notes: Starting Research To begin doing research, one must always keep in mind that he or she will read much more than what can be used. That being said, do not read more than what is necessary. Limit your workload whenever possible.
Mr. Zhao’s Example Mr. Zhao will be doing research modeling with Annie Jump Cannon as his subject. Annie Jump Cannon invented the use of the Henry Draper Catalogue, which measures the brightness of stars. The brightness is then calculated for solar heat.
Annie Jump Cannon
Step 1: Preliminary Research Before performing heavy-duty research, one must know what to look for Use google to start your research; there is nothing wrong with using it as a jumping off point, as inspiration Google, in and of itself, is not a source of research
Step 2: Pulling Resources There are three places in particular that Mr. Zhao likes to use to start researching: Wikipedia’s sources list, Google Scholar, and the library(!) At the end of each Wikipedia article, there will be a list of sources that was used
Using Wikipedia Use the list of resources to find useful resources: Mr. Zhao found several articles on Annie Jump Cannon using the resources list, and has included one in today’s packet.
Step 2: Pulling Resources Google Scholar offers many FREE resources that you are legally permitted to use The library catalogue at Gavilan, or any other library, will yield many results for researchers
Using Google Scholar The weblink is; use it to find the following: Primary sources by the person that you are studying Books, articles, and research about this person
Step 2: Pulling Resources JSTOR is an online catalogue of research papers and articles that offers a free service to students The service is limited in quantity (You may only read three articles at a time, and they will be removed after 14 days)
Using JSTOR JSTOR’s homepage ( Go to the MyJSTOR tab Scroll down to My Profile This directs you to a registration screen, which you can use to sign up for the service Once you have signed up, you are free to read up to three new articles every 14 days
Step 3: Pick out what to read, don’t read everything! Step 3: Discriminate! Step 3: Pick out what to read, don’t read everything! While researching, one might find an entire book on his or her subject. You may be tempted to read the ENTIRE book, but refrain from doing this. A book’s index at the end will tell you where to find specific information Remember that your research paper is a biographical scene, not an entire biography
Step 3: Discriminate! Step 3: Pick out what to read, don’t read everything! Read sources for details, such as dates, events, places, and names. Using these will add authenticity to your research paper. If you come across a section of reading that is overly jargonistic (full of technical words), consider not using that part of the source and move on to
End of Cornell Notes, Now Work! Three Sources-Annotated Bibliography (Pg. 233) Instructions: Do the following for each source. Read each source and highlight important dates, events, names, and places. In bullet points, write out the relevant details under each source’s citation Write a short 3 sentence summary of the source
Reading Source 3 In order to read source three successfully (And Quickly): Be on the look out for dates and names (Especially Annie Jump Cannon) Read the first few sentences of each paragraph to check and see if it contains useful information. If it doesn’t, skip it. (Really)
Continue Working... Three Sources-Annotated Bibliography (Part II) Instructions: Do this on page 233 Combine the separate sentence summaries into one long summary that is at least 8 sentences long. Keep the events in the summary in chronological order; the order that they happened in Annie Jump Cannon’s life.
Homework: Independent Research (Due Wednesday) Instructions: Using Wikipedia’s sources list, Google Scholar, the library or JSTOR, find two print sources and do the following: Read the sources and highlight important dates, events, names, and places In bullet points, write out the relevant details Write a short 3 sentence summary of the source
Due Tomorrow Print or bring an electronic copy of your two sources to class; you will NEED it to do one of the in class activities. Your source will be at least two pages long.