Creating Access for People with Complex Communication Needs
Educating school staff to educate their students
Project: Communication Rights Australia Disability Discrimination Legal Service RMIT
How do most of us communicate? Where do we learn to communicate?
What happens if we can't speak or hear?
What are our chances of getting an education if we can't communicate?
What are your chances of getting employment if you don't have an education?
What are your chances of having any type of social personal relationship if you can't communicate?
How many people are we talking about? People might be: Deaf Autistic Severe Cerebral Palsy Psychosocial Disability-Selective Mutism Severe Language Disorders Stroke ………..
What can be done?
Teaching Teachers Website/Application Resources Disability Information Capacity Obligations Human Rights Disability Discrimination Act Equal Opportunity Act Right to Augmentative and Alternative Communication UNCRPD
Challenges No time No money Poor Attitudes Engagement of experts Staff training Poor Attitudes Capacity Inclusion
Will we succeed ?
Contact details: Website: Email: Website: Ph: 03 9654 8644 Fax: 03 96397422 © Copyright Disability Discrimination Legal Service Inc (DDLS) 2006