Growing Indonesia: A Triangular Approach John Jameson Head of School College of Business Dublin Institute of Technology
Objectives and Expected Outcomes of the Initiative Indonesia has prioritised the need for capacity building within their HEI sector, particularly in university-enterprise cooperation, entrepreneurship and employability of graduates. Educationally, the motivation for the project was a desire to provide career ready graduates with more focused programmes of study and learning pedagogies that provide real world business experiences. The aim of the project is to assist Indonesian partner HEIs to develop their organisational capacity in the areas of: University-Enterprise cooperation, Entrepreneurship within the HEI, the Curriculum & Pedagogy Employability of graduates HEInnovate has been a very useful tool in focusing the attention of HEI senior management towards the initiatives required to support organisational adoption of entrepreneurial and innovative practices within their organisation. Providing an integrated approach to capacity building in Higher Education. - THE GROWTH HUB University-Enterprise Cooperation Entrepreneurship Graduate Employability GROWTH HUB
Growing Indonesia: A Triangular Approach - The Partners - The Ministry of Research, Technology & Higher Education - The Ministry of Trade President University Indonesia Universitas Padjadjaran STIE Malangkucecwara – STM Universitas Ahmad Dahlan – UAD Semarang State University Universitas Islam Indonesia – UII Universitas Brawijaya – BRU
Growing Indonesia: A Triangular Approach Indonesian Partner HEIs President University Indonesia Universitas Padjadjaran STIE Malangkucecwara – STM Universitas Ahmad Dahlan – UAD Semarang State University Universitas Islam Indonesia – UI Universitas Brawijaya – BRU
Growing Indonesia: A Triangular Approach The largest archipelago state and island state in the world by area and population Population of 261 Million – 4th largest in the world Median Age is 32 – a relatively young population Over 700 spoken languages – Indonesian Bahasa 3000 HEI’s most of which are private institutions Commitement to the Creation of ‘Entrepreneurial HEIs‘
Growing Indonesia: A Triangular Approach Objectives and expected outcomes of the initiative The need for capacity building in ‘Entrepreneurial Orientated Education’ has been identified as a priority in Indonesia. A visit from a Senior Management delegation from two leading Indonesian HEIs The motivation for the project was a desire to provide career ready Graduates with more focused programmes of study and learning pedagogies that provide real world business experiences. A capacity building model was discussed – The Triangular Model University-Enterprise cooperation, Entrepreneurship within the HEI, the Curriculum & Pedagogy Employability of graduates The University of Gloucestershire’s ‘Growth Hub’ was seen as a solution, Providing an integrated approach to capacity building in Higher Education. University-Enterprise Cooperation Entrepreneurship Graduate Employability GROWTH HUB
Growing Indonesia: A Triangular Approach THE GITA PROJECT: Entrepreneurial and Innovation Capacity Building in Indonesian HEIs – A Triangular Model University-Enterprise Cooperation Entrepreneurship Graduate Employability GROWTH HUB
The GROWTH HUB The Growth Hub provides a transferable triangular approach model for: developing effective university cooperation with enterprise, embedding entrepreneurship across the HEI’s stakeholders and developing enterprise creation from innovation and ideas applied to the local and regional economies. The Growth Hub, one of a network of Hubs throughout England, is a physical space where academics, students, graduates, start-ups and enterprises come together to share ideas. For businesses it is a one-stop-shop for support (for start-ups through to large corporations); for students it is a resource through which to develop new skills and launch new enterprises; and for academics it is a place where interactions with business and students can be facilitated. The lack of an appropriate space and place with necessary resources (appropriate meeting space, connectivity to the internet and database resources, IT equipment etc) for university’s interaction with enterprise (commercial and social) was identified as an important challenge. Further the need to understand how to embed entrepreneurship into the students’ structured taught delivery including curricula development and external experiences, such as placements and enterprise projects was a further need. The third aspect was in developing an incubator activity to allow students and their teams to exploit their ideas and networks within a secure environment.
Growing Indonesia: A Triangular Approach Capacity Building: To Encourage Indonesian HEI’s to evaluate an Entrepreneurial Orientation & an Enabling Infrastructure To help Indonesian HEIs to improve their capacity to develop career ready graduates with more entrepreneurial focused programmes of study and learning pedagogies that provides real world business experiences. SPECIFIC OBJECTIVES: - within 3 years To develop both a physical and virtual entity within each participant HEI to focus and co-ordinate entrepreneurial activities. (The Growth Hub & The Virtual Learning Support Network) To enhance co-operation between the HEI and their external enterprise stakeholders To embed Entrepreneurial Learning Outcomes (ELOs) and Pedagogy within programmes across each HEI.
The Programme – Some Elements 1. A HEI Entrepreneurial Orientation Initiative Workshop – ‘The Entrepreneurial University’ Evaluation of HEI Entrepreneurial Orientation & HEInnovate Training Workshop for HEI Managers Review of existing HEI Programmes for Entrepreneurial Learning Outcomes (ELO Audit) Administration of HEInnovate tool within each HEI (Translated into Indonesian Bahasa) Individual HEI Phase 1 Action Plans Initial HEI Entrepreneurial Initiatives Initial Curriculum re-design to incorporate ELOs and modified pedagogy Initiatives towards developing an entrepreneurial environment within the HEI 2. Audit of University engagement with external enterprise collaboration Enhancement of the programme curriculum & pedagogy Development of a Career Planning Toolkit for students
The Programme – Some Elements 3. Establishment of the Growth Hub within each HEI Development of an Enterprise Incubation Facility to engage the HEI with local stakeholders Advisory & Support service with input from HEI Staff & Students, Professional Bodies, Business Support Providers Training & Development of HEI staff in the operation of an Incubation Facility Linkage between the Growth Hub, the Incubation Facility and student learning opportunities Curriculum and Pedagogy to avail of Growth Hub learning opportunities. Live Projects, Industry Speakers, Enterprise Competitions, Market Presentations, 4. Establishment of the GITA Learning Network A virtual resource and support network across participating HEIs GITA Web Site, Shared Case Studies, Access to Knowledge Experts, HEI Staff Collaboration Organisation of National Student Enterprise Network across the participating HEIs Inter-HEI Enterprise Competitions, The Indonesian Enterprise Innovation Academy (IEIA) Boot-camp Organisation of National Enterprise Support Network and Promotion Initiatives National HEI Growth Hub Sponsored Enterprise Competition, National Enterprise start-up work-shops & conference
Current Situation Element 1 is in progress Workshop – ‘The Entrepreneurial University’ Completed Audit of HEI Entrepreneurial Orientation & HEInnovate Training Workshop for HEI Managers Completed Review of existing HEI Programmes for Entrepreneurial Learning Outcomes (ELO Audit) In Progress Next Steps Administration of HEInnovate tool within each HEI (Translated into Indonesian Bahasa) Individual HEI Phase 1 Action Plans Initial HEI Entrepreneurial Initiatives Initial Curriculum re-design to incorporate ELOs
Key barriers, challenges and bottlenecks in implementing the initiative A key challenge will be the acceptance of the idea of an ‘Entrepreneurial HEI’ among as wide a population of the HEI’s staff as possible. Spend time required to embed entrepreneurial understanding across the HEI Seek high level support for the Entrepreneurial initiative Fully Support the HEI local partners (Champions) throughout the process, especially in the early stages 4. Cultural sensitivity and continually sense checking to allow for the adaptation of ideas and concepts to the local context. What have you learned from implementing the initiative so far? The need to continually sense check for local cultural sensitivities. The need to work with local HEI ‘project champions’ to progress the initiative
3 key achievements to date Identification and development of a strong local HEI groups which will work within their individual HEI and also as a support network as the project progresses. The translation of the HEInnovate tool into Indonesian Bahasa – an important signal to HEI staff that this is their initiative. Development of an ‘Entrepreneurial Learning Outcomes’ protocol to sense check current HEI programmes for their entrepreneurial and innovative orientation.
Growing Indonesia: A Triangular Approach
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