HAV’s Alstom Metro RSSB Conference Simon Broadley , Fahd Janjua GUIDELINES: This Managers’ kit has been designed for top 360 managers. Its aim is to support you in explaining what is happening as of Day 1 and who we are as the new Alstom. We advised to gather your teams within the first week following the closing of the Alstom-GE deal. RSSB Conference Simon Broadley , Fahd Janjua 21th Feburary 2018
Objective & Content The objective of this presentation is to give you a overview of who Alstom is and how we managed the HAV risks on our Midlife project between 2012 – 2014. Objective & Content Who are we? What was Midlife? Controlling the risks Hand Arm Vibration PDCA The Curotec System Return on Experience
Who are we? Video
What was Midlife? Midlife Project Facts The Midlife or refurbishment project was which was intended to regenerate the Northern Line Fleet in the services sector. The project was solely aimed at the aesthetics of the train. The project was undertaken at Morden Traincare Depot. The customer was London Underground / Tubelines. Health and Safety / Control Measures All project staff where provided with PPE according to their day to day tasks. HAVs exposure was not fully understood by the project team and therefore the staff awareness and training was not adequate. Luckily for us, there was good information and exposure calculators available. ( www.hse.gov.uk/vibration/hav/hav.xls )
Controlling the Risks Once we understood the risks and the control methods, a simple self paper assessment was developed and operator training given.
Act Plan Do Check Next Steps & PDCA Although the simple paper assessment worked, we quickly realised the operators could manipulate the trigger times to suit other objectives. An alternative monitoring device was needed! Following return of experience from other Alstom projects a paper system was introduced. Initial data from paper system was slow and inconsistent and open to manipulation Midlife scope of work identified to have risk of high hand arm vibration exposure. CURO system identified as best system through case study research. Act Plan Do Check
Curo mount on each tool which has been programmed with the HAV emitted The Curotec System Issued Per Employee/ LED will turn red when HAV limit is reached. Curo records data per day. Curo mount on each tool which has been programmed with the HAV emitted HAV Data Data is shown with comparative warnings. Data is dated and sorted for the employee. Data is downloaded each day.
Return of Experience Plan your process before any physical work is undertaken. Make sure the operative's are well trained and haven't suffered any prior symptoms of HAV’s is the past, this can be achieved through medical screening. The paper self assessments can only work for small well motivated, closely managed groups. A independent remote monitoring system is best for large groups or distant workers. The Curotec system is time efficient, which allows for time to be spent on other vital project tasks. Data cannot be modified or tampered. A safety operating procedure (SOP) has been developed and released.