CSS446 Spring 2014 Nan Wang
2 Instructor Instructors: –Nan Wang Office: TEC 232 Phone: (601) Meeting time and location: –3:50PM – 5:05PM Tu/Th –Classroom: TEC101 2
3 Course Home Page Course URL [link]link – Office hours –2:00PM – 3:30AM Tu/Th Course announcements –Available online or in classroom – About lecture notes –Usually available on the course homepage Class discussion 3
4 Prerequisites Introduction to Java CSC 307 Data Structure and Algorithm Analysis Some programming language background C++ Java 4
5 Textbook Required Text Big Java: Early Objects 5th Edition ISBN-13: Publisher: Wiley, John & Sons, Incorporated Recommended Texts & Other Readings Java: How to Program Publisher: Prentice Hall; 9 edition (March 7, 2011) ISBN-10: ISBN-13: (There is free PDF version of the book available online) 5
6 Topics Topic Outline/Schedule Week 01: Review of basic concept of Java programming Week 02: Review of Array and Arraylists, Classes and objects Week 03: Inheritance Week 04: Polymorphism Week 05: Exception Handling Week 06: GUI Week 07: Graphics and Java 2D Week 08: String, Characters and Regular Expressions Week 09: Files, Streams and Object Serialization Week 10: Recursion, Searching and Sorting Week 11: Generic Collections Week 12: Generic Classes and Methods Week 13: Applets and Applications Week 14: GUI 2 Week 15: Multithreading Week 16: Networking Week 17: JDBC Week 18: Web Services Week 19: XML Week 20: Final Exam 6
7 Java Editor Software NetBean 7
8 Grading Your course grade consists of 4 components: –Attendance 5% –Programming Assignments 50% –Exam 10% –Final exam 15% –Project 20% 8
9 Grading Letter GradePercentagePerformance A93-100%Excellent Work A-90-92%Nearly Excellent Work B+87-89%Very Good Work B83-86%Good Work B-80-82%Mostly Good Work C+77-79%Above Average Work C73-76%Average Work C-70-72%Mostly Average Work D+67-69%Below Average Work D60-66%Poor Work F0-59%Failing Work 9
10 Homework Policy Homework policy –The requirements are given on the course homepage –All assignments and projects are mandatory for all students –Assignments must be handed in by the due time. No late assignment will be accepted unless compelling reasons can be supplied and verified. Late assignments will receive no grade. Grader 10
11 Honesty Students are expected to do their own work on all assignments The code, writing and final result that you hand in must be your own effort but you are welcome to discuss general issues with instructor and other students Cheating or plagiarism of any kind will not be tolerated This doesnt apply to the group assignment 11
12 Attendance Students are expected to attend all classes 12