The In-Between Church Navigating Size Transformation in Congregations Alice Mann The Alban Institute 1998
Hoe moet die leierskap en bediening van ons gemeente nou lyk?
As organismes wesenlik verander in grootte, moet hulle ook verander in vorm.
Hoe kompleksiteit toeneem in menslike sisteme 50 30 20 10 R E L A T I O N S H P 1 2 3 4 mense
Stappe in die transformasie van grootte Korpora-tiewe grootte 350-500+ *1500+ Program grootte 150-350 *800-1500 Pastorale grootte 50-150 *200-800 Familie grootte 0-50 *-200
Between the steps Congregations almost always encounters difficulty when they arrive at a step- the boundary between one size and the next- because the culture of the congregation is in flux. Formal and informal relationships are being reshaped; key structures and processes are changing.
Plato 350 200 150 70 50 Program grootte Plato Pastorale grootte Plato Familie grootte
Wat gebeur tussen die groottes? The “N-curve” Pastor Centered Corporate size Pastoral size Group centered Family size Program size Organism Organization
Familie grootte 0-50 *-200
Familie: Bediening Funksioneer soos ‘n familie Het ouerskap-figure Pa en Ma - figure beheer die leierskaps funksies
Pastorale grootte 50-150 *200-800
Pastoraal: bediening …a key figure of the Pastoral size congregation is that members experience having their spiritual needs met through their personal relationship with a seminary trained pastor.
Pastoraal : Predikant Small enough that everybody can know the pastor personally Leadership revolves around the pastor and a small group of leaders Strong personal skills are important Difficult to maintain for more than 150 members Growth depends on the skills of the pastor-pastor is in controll Pastors experience burnout frequently
Program Grootte 150-350 *800-1500
Program: Bediening …the program church has many cells of activity headed by lay leaders…that includes pastoral functions
Korporatiewe Grootte 350-500+ *1500+
Korporatief: Bediening …the quality of the corporate church is demonstrated mainly in the Sunday service…conducted by a visionary leader supported by a team …
Spanning tussen groottes Gemeentes wat bly in die “tussen-gebied” ervaar spanning Gemeentes wat te lank in die “tussen-gebied” bly, sak terug. Gemeentes wat bedieningsmodelle gebruik wat in ‘n vorige grootte pas, verloor lidmate. Of gemeentes pas hulle strukture aan by hulle grootte of hulle groote pas aan by hulle strukture.
Hoe kan die teorie ons help om die dinge wat werk meer te doen? Om die dinge wat die werk nie te laat vaar?