Student Course Registration Infinite Campus school year
Step one: Log in to Infinite Campus using your portal account
Step two: Click on Course Registration: Harbor High (in the left hand column at the top)
Step three: Click on Course Search to get to the screen to enter your class request
Step four: Type in the course title or the course number of the class you are requesting
Step five: A list of courses may appear if you type in the course title. Choose the course for which you would like to enroll
Step six: Click on Request this Course if the class is a required course you need for graduation or A-G requirements OR Request as an Alternate if it is an alternate class and repeat until you have at least 7 courses requested
Finish! If you have a printer available, please click Print Request Summary and have your parent sign the request summary. BRING THE SIGNED REQUEST SUMMARY TO YOUR NEXT COUNSELOR APPOINTMENT or bring your signed course request worksheet to your counselor appointment
Printed Course Request Summary