A pot filled with dirt and used for growing plants. meaning Flowerpot A pot filled with dirt and used for growing plants.
Sara set a flowerpot full of daisies on the front step. Sentence Flowerpot Sara set a flowerpot full of daisies on the front step.
Mother grow some herbs in a flowerpot. Sentence Flowerpot Mother grow some herbs in a flowerpot.
The ground in which plants grow. meaning soil The ground in which plants grow.
Ahmad planted watermelon seeds in the rich soil. Sentence soil Ahmad planted watermelon seeds in the rich soil.
The gardener put soil into the pots before he planted the flower. Sentence soil The gardener put soil into the pots before he planted the flower.
meaning favorite Liked best of all
Apples are Hamed’s favorite fruit Sentence favorite Apples are Hamed’s favorite fruit
What is your favorite sport? Sentence favorite What is your favorite sport?
meaning juicy Having a lot of juice.
We ate the juicy oranges for breakfast Sentence juicy We ate the juicy oranges for breakfast
An apple is my favorite fruit. Apples are juicy. Sentence juicy An apple is my favorite fruit. Apples are juicy.
Something not expected; a feeling of wonder meaning surprise Something not expected; a feeling of wonder
When you don’t expect a present, getting one is a surprise. Sentence surprise When you don’t expect a present, getting one is a surprise.
Sentence surprise It was a nice surprise when Grandmother and Grandfather came for dinner.
Wanting or needing food meaning hungry Wanting or needing food
He was so hungry that he ate two sandwiches Sentence hungry He was so hungry that he ate two sandwiches
I didn’t eat lunch, so I was hungry when it was time for dinner Sentence hungry I didn’t eat lunch, so I was hungry when it was time for dinner
meaning piece A part of something
Majeed tied a piece of string to the kite. Sentence piece Majeed tied a piece of string to the kite.
We each ate a piece of pizza for lunch Sentence piece We each ate a piece of pizza for lunch