Step 3: You will see this page Step 1: Click on the link in your email Step 2: Log In: Partners Employees: click on this blue box to log in or create an account All Other Users: use the General Access Login or click on Create Account: Step 2 Step 3: You will see this page A: Click on Next at the bottom of the “Activity Overview” page B: Click on Next at the bottom of “CME/CE Information” page. This will take you to a list of all sessions. Step 3 Step 4: Select the session in the “Course Activities” tab for which you are registering: Step 4 Step 5: Activity Overview A. Click on the “Evaluation” tab to access the evaluation. Click “Submit” when the evaluation is complete. Then choose the number of credits from the drop-down menu, and click “Save Credits”. Step 5 A B. On the “Course Activities page, a green check and a claimed credit number here indicate completed evaluation and credits for the session. The final certificate will be available at the end of the series and will include the total number of credits claimed. Step 5 B Step 6: Certificate for the Series By August 31st click on “Print Certificate” tab located on the main page when you first login. Clicking on the “Print Certificate” tab will create the final certificate that lists each date you attended and the total number of credits for the series. Once you click “Print Certificate a copy of the certificate is saved in the online system. You have the option to save a copy of the certificate in your personal files or print a hard copy of the certificate. Step 6 Please contact the Partners Office of Continuing Professional Development at if you have any questions.