Finish through Activity #8 in your booklet Homework 09/6/2017 Study Notes 10-15 minutes Finish through Activity #8 in your booklet Quiz Corrections due by Monday, Spetmeber 11th Green Form due back signed by Friday
6-1.3: Compare the river valley civilizations of the Tigris and Euphrates (Mesopotamia), the Nile (Egypt), the Indus (India), and the Huang He (China), including the evolution of written language, government, trade systems, architecture, and forms of social order.
CUNEIFORM The People of Mesopotamia needed a way to keep records for business and other events Their written language consisted of hundreds of wedge shaped marks
Cuneiform The writing was done on a wet clay tablet using a sharp-ended piece of reed called a stylus Usually only wealthy boys learned to write, they were called SCRIBES
Hammurabi’s Code One of the things that having a written language allowed them to do was write down their laws. The world’s first written law code was HAMMURABI’S CODE
Hammurabi’s Code HAMMURABI was a king of Babylon. He combined all the laws in his lands and made one law code for everyone