Current Challenges Alcohol abuse widespread – AFU challenges Adequate enforcement, for example, fine collection is only 17% Behavior change difficult to achieve Fraud and Corruption rife throughout the industry.
Existing Coordinating Forums MINMEC COTO RTMC shareholders RTMC Board Technical Committees Arrive Alive Legislation Driving Standards Vehicle Standards Health working group Non-natural deaths forum NGO community groups Global Road Safety Partnerships
Road Environment Low cost engineering in hazardous locations Road Safety Audits Accident Investigations
Driver Fitness Advertising and public relations in support of enforcement activities Nation-wide strategic focus – speed, alcohol and seat belts as priority Public Transport emphasis Manage fatigue (with Dept of Labour)
Driver Fitness continued.. Driver Fitness continued Increase enforcement visibility – mini-road blocks Implement National Law Enforcement Code book Further develop Traffic Officer Training and in-house training Train more officers Strengthen capacity of RTMC to coordinate enforcement
Vehicle Fitness Compulsory fitting of seat belts, anti-tyre burst devices and speed governors in all public transport vehicles – at expense of operator Cameras at vehicle testing stations Periodic Vehicle Testing Hazardous goods and overloading control Develop non-negotiable criteria for closure of VTS – with agreement by provinces. All these initiatives will be undertaken in consultation with Provinces
Pedestrian and Passenger Safety Pedestrian visibility projects Education of school children/including the scholar patrol program Reduction of speed limits in urban areas Enforcement of pedestrian laws on freeways Engineering solutions Advertising on community radio, and public relations efforts
NEW INNOVATION PRIORITIES PrDP training and testing Governors, seat belts and tyre burst devices on public transport vehicles Improved public relations activities. investigation of new technology
NEW INNOVATIONS cont. Capacitate the RTMC Ensure sufficient resources – staff and budgets Set up and manage appropriate coordinating forums with clearly identified roles and responsibilities.
Department of Transport Thank you