Int’l Careers- First Day Agenda Introduction and class expectations Required materials Classroom procedures Grading & BYOD policies Community Service & Toss & Talk review A “global citizen…” brainstorming & sharing Wrap-up & Homework Volunteering somewhere, somehow, is a way to make a difference right here and now in the place you live now. Speaks for itself—giving to your community provides unique opportunities to meet people you might otherwise never have the chance to meet. Give to others using those abilities that you feel are inside of you “just waiting to come out.” This is the “giving back” to your community. If you’ve ever had someone do something for you, expecting nothing in return, you understand how powerful that can be. Pay it forward… 5-6. Kind of like #3, CS can provide you with unique outlets for talents you might want to develop into your career. There is a reason this point is on here, and there is a reason it is in the middle, and not on the top
Upcoming Events Thurs. 9/10—Big & Littles Meet-up After school in the Commons Fri. & Sat. 9/11-12—Egyptian Festival in Hampton Thurs. 9/17—JWAC meeting in Scola Fri. 9/18—Spanish Cultural Café in Cafeteria ACTIVITY BUSSES: 5:45 M-W 4:45 Th-F Volunteering somewhere, somehow, is a way to make a difference right here and now in the place you live now. Speaks for itself—giving to your community provides unique opportunities to meet people you might otherwise never have the chance to meet. Give to others using those abilities that you feel are inside of you “just waiting to come out.” This is the “giving back” to your community. If you’ve ever had someone do something for you, expecting nothing in return, you understand how powerful that can be. Pay it forward… 5-6. Kind of like #3, CS can provide you with unique outlets for talents you might want to develop into your career. There is a reason this point is on here, and there is a reason it is in the middle, and not on the top
Stay Connected… text @gscareers to 81010 My website Remind (formerly Remind 101) text @gscareers to 81010 When colleges and organizations are looking for who they want to associate themselves with, and invest in, they are looking for “outward focused” and “well-rounded” individuals who have a developed sense of “there’s more to the world than just me.” It gives you a chance to grow in ways you didn’t know you could, and might even expand your thinking. Need I say more???!!!!
About Ms. Dossett Graduated from ODU with a degree in History with certification in Secondary Social Sciences My 3rd year @ Tallwood HS Previously @ Independence MS Bayside MS Alliance Christian in Portsmouth DoDDS in Stuttgart, Germany Landstown MS By the time you graduate, you need to have completed a total of at least 140 hours. The requirements have been broken down like his to help “spread out” the load—more freshman and sophomore year… Provide examples from Mallory’s life: Volunteered at a food bank/soup kitchen with her youth group at our church for about 3 hours. Got her form signed by her youth pastor. Volunteered as a non-paid counselor at our church’s summer camp—the mission week (campers do not pay for the week-all donation based, so the week she counsels for the elementary kids does not count)
Classroom Expectations Be on time, come prepared, and behave appropriately Complete the homework and TURN IT IN! Make-up work-3 days to make up Late work-5% taken off per block Organization is key! Every year, if you have complete 50 hours or more in that academic year (meaning the previous summer and the school year that followed), and met the other academic and behavior requirements. Is a great addition to your portfolio and awards list on your post-high school applications.
Course Focus Providing students with the opportunity to explore and to prepare for career success in the international job market through: Defining the characteristics of global citizens and learning to adapt to cultural norms for various regions of the world. Learning to recognize international connections and opportunities in a variety of careers paths, internationally and domestically. Self-evaluation to define their personal motivations for career selection including assessing interests, skills, belief systems, and cultural tolerance. Julia Graziani, a rising senior in the GSWLA is focusing on volunteering for her senior project. She will be coordinating
Course Focus This class is project based and includes: Beginning their GSWLA portfolio An out-of-school job shadow by the student Guest speakers and international video conferences. Julia Graziani, a rising senior in the GSWLA is focusing on volunteering for her senior project. She will be coordinating
Grading Homework 10% Classwork 20% Quizzes 30% Tests/Projects/ 40% Portfolio work When in doubt, ask Ms. Gurley!
VBCPS Grading Scale Range Letter Grade Points 93 - 100 A 4.0 90 - 92 93 - 100 A 4.0 90 - 92 A- 3.7 87 - 89 B+ 3.3 83 - 86 B 3.0 80 - 82 B- 2.7 77 - 79 C+ 2.3 73 - 76 C 2.0 70 - 72 C- 1.7 67- 69 D+ 1.3 64 - 66 D 1.0 Below 64 E 0.0
Community Service Req’d Community Service hours required: Freshmen 40 Sophomores 40 Juniors 30 Seniors 30 You can learn so much about a culture through actually experiencing that culture—not just reading about it, or watching it on TV, etc. If we know more about other people, their ways, we can only be more understanding. The only way to address global issues is from a position of knowledge—you can’t solve world problems if you know nothing about the larger world.
Cultural Activity Required Freshmen 4 Sophomores 4 Juniors 4 Seniors 4 Total 16 Summer activities can be applied toward the requirement. Additional activities earned during one school year will carry over to the next school year.
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