Michael Coucheir, Team Leader MISSOC NETWORK MEETING Vilnius, 17-18 October 2013 Review of the Correspondents’ guidelines for completing Table VI “Old age” Michael Coucheir, Team Leader
Table VI – SCOPE OF REVIEW EXERCISE Overall objective: further increase of the quality/comparability of the MISSOC Tables Ensure common understanding of guidelines Promote use of the guidelines Improve/modernise guidelines Re-examine national entries Second stage of the review, builds on results of the Dublin working groups Supporting document (annex to agenda) Concrete revision proposal Justification, alternative proposal, issues for further discussion Revision proposal will be finalised after the Network Meeting
Table VI – STRUCTURE & SCOPE Risk of old-age Similarities between Tables V and VI Table includes 25 ( 26) categories, grouped in 10 chapters Applicable statutory basis Basic principles Field of application Exemptions from compulsory insurance Conditions Benefits Indexation Partial pension Accumulation with earnings from work Taxation and social contributions
Table VI – GUIDELINES (1) Basic principles (VI-2) Information on financing system added Exemptions from compulsory insurance (VI-4) Amendment to make it clear that only exemptions based on purely national legislation are meant Conditions 1. Conditions for drawing full pension (VI-6) More elaborated (yet sufficiently broad) definition of the concept of “full pension” 3. Legal retirement age, early and deferred pension (VI-8/-9) Relationship with corresponding categories in benefits section (VI-19/-20) clarified Deferral implies that additional pension rights are accrued
Table VI – GUIDELINES (2) Benefits 2. Calculation method, pension formula or amounts (VI-11) Changed heading for consistency with Table V and to accommodate flat-rate pension benefits Reference added to active/retired ratio and life expectancy development 4. Non-contributory periods credited or taken into consideration (VI-13) Definition of non-contributory periods added Entitlement and/or calculation? Mostly both Alternative proposal to be considered in conjunction with VI-5 5. Back-purchase of insurance periods (VI-14) New category
Table VI – GUIDELINES (3) Benefits 6. Supplements for dependants (VI-15) Amended for consistency with similar categories in other Tables 8-9. Minimum and maximum pension (VI-17/-18) Standard phrase for de facto minima and maxima Definition “minimum pension” amended so as to distinguish from categorical old-age assistance Link with length of career? Partial pension (VI-22) and accumulation with earnings from work (VI-23) More comprehensive guidelines on partial pension Clarification of the relationship with accumulation with professional income