Curriculum Changes for Cognitive Science Approved by: Selmer Bringsjord _____________ Department Head Chair of School Curriculum Committee Dean of School or Designee
Institute Wide Curriculum Committee Course Additions
COURSE ADDITION Course # & Title Course Description (75 words maximum). Include type of course, prerequisites and/or restrictions. Description
COURSE ADDITION SYLLABUS Catalog Title: Transcript Title: Course number: Credit Hours: Semester/year: Meeting Days: N/A Room Location: N/A Lab/Discussion Session: N/A location Webpage (if existent) Prerequisites or other : *Requirements:
COURSE ADDITION SYLLABUS Instructor Full Name/Title Office Location Office Telephone # Office Hours Address
COURSE ADDITION SYLLABUS Course will be a prerequisite for: Course will be corequisite for: Why is this course needed? Extent of duplication of proposed course with other courses? Resource Impact Statement. In this section, please address curriculum, facilities, and personnel issues. For example, will this course require multimedia facilities, an increase in number of classes, laboratory sections or assistants, a special type of classroom design or support personnel?
COURSE ADDITION SYLLABUS Course Description Student Learning Outcomes
COURSE ADDITION SYLLABUS Course Assessment/Measures: Assignments GRADING LATE POLICY Attendance Policy: Homework Policy:.
COURSE ADDITION SYLLABUS Academic Integrity Student-teacher relationships are built on mutual respect and trust. Students must be able to trust that their teachers have made responsible decisions about the structure and content of the course and that they are conscientiously making their best effort to help students learn. Teachers must be able to trust that students do their work conscientiously and honestly, making their best effort to learn. Acts that violate this mutual respect and trust will not be tolerated. The Rensselaer Handbook defines various forms of Academic Dishonesty and procedures for responding to them. Students committing any such form of Academic Dishonesty will automatically fail the course.