Specialization in: – Software Engineering – High Performance Computing – Data Analytics 15 month program full time Six (6) core courses – can be additional core course or practicum Three (3) elective courses Three (3) concentration courses – listed on program website Internship – usually in summer quarter For academic year, we will be accepting applications for the 12-course program during the Fall quarter.
C ORE R EQUIREMENTS Programming (Java or C) Databases Algorithms 2 classes in Computer Systems, Networks and Architectures – Introduction to Computer Systems – OO Architecture – Unix Systems Programming – Networks – Advanced Network Design – Operating Systems One additional core course in databases, theory, systems or a practicum course.
S OFTWARE E NGINEERING Students must complete three of the following concentration classes: – Introduction to Software Engineering – Object Oriented Architecture & Design – C/C++ for Advanced Programmers – iOS Application Development – Android Application Development – Web Development
H IGH P ERFORMANCE C OMPUTING Students must complete three of the following concentration classes: – Advanced Algorithms – Numerical Methods – Big Data – High Performance Computing – Cloud Computing
D ATA A NALYTICS Students must complete three of the following concentration classes: – Foundations of Data Analysis – Advanced Data Analytics – Big Data – Data Warehousing
I NTERNSHIP Usually completed in the summer quarter Students will determine their own internship either internal or external to the University For international students, the internship will be considered degree required CPT. Part-time students may waive the internship requirement with work experience The practicum course may also count as internship credit.
P RACTICUM Allows students to work on projects with an advisor (U of C / ANL faculty and staff) and earn elective credit. Offered in Winter 2014 and Spring 2014 MPCS will publish a list of projects offered by advisors before the start of the quarter. Students must apply to participate in the Practicum program.
A PPLICATION FOR 12-C OURSE P ROGRAM Complete 12-Course Interest Form International students will need to meet with OIA to discuss change in visa status. For students, all changes in status will be made during the Fall quarter. MPCS administration will contact you directly about entering the program.