I am from Noblesville and attended Noblesville Schools Graduated from Indiana University in 2010 with my degree in Elementary Education and minor in Spanish. This is my 4th year at PRE. Student Taught in Noblesville (10 weeks) and Costa Rica (8 weeks). I love spending time with my friends and family, reading, running, camping and anything outdoors
Optimal learning is reached when all children are on task and few disruptions are being made. We will have freedom levels in our classroom this year. Your child will be completing a behavior log everyday with their level of the day. This will be sent home in the homework binder under the behavior tab. Please, sign or initial this every night.
8:30-9:00 Morning Work/Meeting 9:00-9:30 RTI 9:30-11:00 Literacy Block 11:25-11:45 Recess 11:50-12:20 Lunch 12:20-1:35 Math 1:35-2:30 Writing 2:40-3:20 Specials 3:20-3:25 Dismissal
students and addressing specific needs. Time: 1:35-2:30 Writer’s workshop will consist of a mini-lesson, independent writing, and sharing. While students are writing independently, I will be conferencing with students and addressing specific needs.
Time: 9:30-11:00 Our Literacy block will consist of whole group, small group, and independent work time. During this time, I will be working with students in small groups and one on one. While I’m working with students, the rest of the class will be making a literacy choice. These choices consist of: Read to Self, Read to Someone, Word Work, Work on Writing, and Listen to Reading.
Time: 12:20-1:35 Our math program is Everyday Math. Your child will learn many important concepts in math this year. It is very important that your child completes their math home work every evening. We will be working on mastering addition, subtraction, and multiplication facts. A family letter will come home at the beginning of each unit. You can help your child in math this year by helping them with practicing their math facts.
A reading log and math fact log will be sent home at the beginning of each month. This will be our homework and will be due at the end of the month. Occasionally, there will be other homework. This will be in the homework folder on the “return to school” side. Please help your child learn responsibility by having them give you their folder to check daily and return in their backpack. Please make sure to return notes, papers, and lunch money in the folder. I will check these daily.
Thursday- Day 4-Technology Monday will be a Day 1 and every Tuesday a Day 2 and so on. Below are our specials: Monday- Day 1-Art Tuesday- Day 2-Music Wednesday- Day 3-Gym- Thursday- Day 4-Technology Friday- Day 5- TBA. Look for announcements in weekly newsletter.
We will take 2 field trips this year. We would love to have you join us! In order to chaperone a field trip, you must have a cleared background check on file. The form to complete your background check can be found on the Noblesville Schools website. This form must also be completed to volunteer in our classroom.