“Flipbook Bible Stories” “Zacchaeus” “Flipbook Bible Stories” eBibleTeacher.com FREE for use by families & non-profit purposes. For iPad, tablet, laptop and printed posterboard flipbook use. Show and tell the story! © eBibleTeacher, LLC
Look at each picture and read the story in the caption. (Perhatikan tiap gambar berikut dan bacalah ceritanya di ‘caption’) The story was taken from Luke 19: 1-10. (Ceritanya diambil dari Lukas 19: 1-10) At the end of the story, you need to answer some questions. (Di akhir cerita, anda harus menjawab beberapa pertanyaan). Write the answers on Microsoft word file and upload to our facebook group page. (Tuliskan jawaban anda dalam bentuk file Microsoft word dan upload ke facebook group kita) Use the answers to your questions to retell the story. Video record the story and upload the recording to our facebook group page together with the answers in Microsoft file. Gunakan jawaban anda untuk menceritakan kembali cerita tersebut. Ceritakan kembali dan rekam dengan video mode. Lalu upload ke facebook group kita. God bless you!
In the city of Jericho there lived a man who was a tax collector In the city of Jericho there lived a man who was a tax collector. His name was Zacchaeus.
The people didn’t like tax collectors The people didn’t like tax collectors. Many tax collectors cheated the people and they often got more taxes than they were supposed to get.
Many tax collectors in this time would keep the extra money for themselves. Zacchaeus wasn’t just any tax collector, he was the head of the tax collectors and Zacchaeus had a lot of money.
One day, Jesus came to Jericho and a large crowd came out to see him One day, Jesus came to Jericho and a large crowd came out to see him. Zacchaeus wanted to see Jesus but he was a short man and couldn’t see over the crowd. Zacchaeus ran ahead of the crowd and climbed up in a Sycamore-fig tree and waited for Jesus to come by the tree.
When Jesus came by the tree he stopped and looked up in the tree and told Zacchaeus to come down from the tree. He told Zacchaeus that he was going to go to his house that day.
Zacchaeus came right down out of the tree Zacchaeus came right down out of the tree. All the people saw this and began to complain. They said that Zacchaeus was a sinner.
But Zacchaeus said he would give half of all he owned to the poor and if he had cheated anyone he would give them four times what he had taken. Jesus told Zacchaeus that that salvation had come to him today. Jesus said that He came to seek and save what was lost. Then Jesus went home with Zacchaeus.
Now, read the story again! (Sekarang, coba baca ceritanya lagi)
In the city of Jericho there lived a man who was a tax collector In the city of Jericho there lived a man who was a tax collector. His name was Zacchaeus. The people didn’t like tax collectors. Many tax collectors cheated the people and they often got more taxes than they were supposed to get. Many tax collectors in this time would keep the extra money for themselves. Zacchaeus wasn’t just any tax collector, he was the head of the tax collectors and Zacchaeus had a lot of money. One day, Jesus came to Jericho and a large crowd came out to see him. Zacchaeus wanted to see Jesus but he was a short man and couldn’t see over the crowd. Zacchaeus ran ahead of the crowd and climbed up in a Sycamore-fig tree and waited for Jesus to come by the tree.
When Jesus came by the tree he stopped and looked up in the tree and told Zacchaeus to come down from the tree. He told Zacchaeus that he was going to go to his house that day. Zacchaeus came right down out of the tree. All the people saw this and began to complain. They said that Zacchaeus was a sinner. But Zacchaeus said he would give half of all he owned to the poor and if he had cheated anyone he would give them four times what he had taken. Jesus told Zacchaeus that that salvation had come to him today. Jesus said that He came to seek and save what was lost. Then Jesus went home with Zacchaeus.
QUESTIONS: Who was the main character of the story? (Siapa tokoh utama cerita ini?) The main character of the story is ______ 2. Where was he at that time? What was going on at that time? (Dimana dia saat itu dan peristiwa apa yang sedang terjadi?) He was in the city of _____ . At that time, ____ came to the city of _____. 3. What did he want to do? (Apa yang ingin dia lakukan/Siapa yang ingin dia lihat?) He wanted to see _______ 4. What was the problem for not being able to do it? (Apa permasalahannya?) The problem were: _________________________ 5. How did he solve the problem? (Bagaimana dia menyelesaikan masalah ini? Apa yang dia lakukan untuk menyelesaikan masalah ini?) To solve this problem, he _______ 6. How did the story end? (Bagaimana akhir cerita ini?) Finally, _____________________________________ 7. What important lesson did you learn from the story? (Pelajaran penting apa yang anda dapatkan dari cerita ini).
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