Addressing Common PO Changes


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Presentation transcript:

Addressing Common PO Changes Bryce Ellis Application Specialist/ Trainer

Agenda Direct Purchase Order Entry Next PO Reports

Purchase Order Entry Changes through Direct PO Entry

Direct PO Entry – FUENT01A.FMX FAS  Processing  Order Processing  Direct PO Entry Advantage – Skips approval process that Requisition Entry/ Approval uses Can return to program and make changes to current Purchase Orders

Direct PO Entry – FUENT01A.FMX FAS  Processing  Order Processing  Direct PO Entry Advantage – Skips approval process that Requisition Entry/ Approval uses

PO Change From Requisition FAS  Processing  Order Processing  Direct PO Entry When requisition approval process is complete and PO has been created, user can use Direct PO Entry to make changes to purchase orders Will not have to go through approval process again

Once Keyed… Account Inquiry (Drill Down) Enc Detail Tab

PO Payments PO Payment by Account

PO Payment by Account – FPENT03C.FMX Inquiry can be made on PO Changes can be made, as well PO Inquiry Address Change Pay, Liquidate, Clear, or Unmark Separate Checks Check Types

Payment Request Edit List $485.00 of the $605.00 paid for this PO

Posting Payment Payment Posting of $485

Check Print Printed Check after posting payment for $485

Liquidate Remainder of PO $120 remains Open after $485 payment

Liquidating After Payment $120 still open after $485 payment made – want to Liquidate Open Amount

Liquidate or Adjust? PO Item Entry Liquidate PO will liquidate remainder of PO – or LIQ by line item

Adjust After Payment Used to liquidate or re- encumber specific amounts for each accounting distribution Useful when liquidating or re-encumbering partial amounts instead of the total amount

Re-Encumber Re-encumbering the liquidated amount will leave return the open amount to its original open amount

Liquidate Liquidating the Open amount will set the open amount to 0.00

Liquidate Only – FUENT03A.FMX FAS  Processing  Order Processing; then create a batch Fully liquidates Purchase Order by batch Creates Type 15 journal entry transactions when liquidated Cannot be used to liquidate individual purchase order line items Use FUENT01A.FMX (Direct PO Entry to make those changes) IMPORTANT NOTE TO KS, NY, AND NJ CLIENTS: Clients in Kansas, New York, and New Jersey should not use this program to liquidate purchase orders rolled using programs FUROL01A.FMX – Liquidate/Roll POs or FUROL01B.FMX – Roll POs because these states liquidate their purchase order records through the payment process, which uses a different set of transaction drivers and posts to different types of accounts.

Liquidate Only – FUENT03A.FMX Click “Liq PO” after reviewing all the PO information

Pay by Line Item – FUENT02A.FMX Profile key PAY_BY_LINE_ITEM determines Purchase Order – Item Entry Typically used by organizations using PO Receiving & PO Payments by Line Item Will update both Order Item Account & PO Accounts Tab


Reprint POs Select Reprint POs from “Print Option”

Reprint POs Enter the PO Number in Po No 1, Po No 2, etc. or leave blank to reprint ALL POs with provided parameters

PO w/ Changes - Price Direct PO Entry, Select “Change Order” box (optional) Tab into the price field and change the price; tab out Entry will be made to GL To reprint PO, see *Print PO’s with Changes” listed above

PO w/ Changes - Prices Make accounting changes and save Entry will be made into the GL

POs w/ Changes – Quantity Click Change boxes (optional) on Header & Items In items, all boxes will have “Change” checked Entry will be made to GL To reprint PO, see *Print PO’s with Changes” listed above

POs w/ Changes Make accounting changes and save Entry will be made into the GL Entry will be made to GL To reprint PO, see *Print PO’s with Changes” listed above

Change Accounting on a PO Blank out the account number in the PO Type in or find new account number in drop down Save to make adjustment in GL Note: Accounting entries will be made to back out the original entry and add the new entry Ensure Totals Match

Change Accounting on a PO Add a line with new account Delete the existing line Save to make adjustment on GL Note: Accounting entries will be made to back out the original entry and add the new entry Ensure Totals Match

Change Entire PO to a New Account w/ Partial Payment Re-Encumber the amount liquidated Set the account line to $0.00 Key a new accounting line for the new account for the full amount of the PO If you only want remaining amount to go to a new account Change accounting line amount to be equal to the Amount Liquidated Value Key a new accounting line for the remaining amount of the PO

Print POs w/ Changes Run Order Edit List once changes have been made In Print Options, select Change Order, In PO Print, select “First Time Change Orders”

Common PO Problems Support Solutions

Assign PO No by Year If your organization chooses to generate purchase order numbers based on values identified for each FY, use the Assign PO tab to identify the PO number range to be used for each year

PO Overpayments Organization Master  Encumbrance Tab

PO Overpayments Require Product Class on Order Entry – For Warehouse/ Fixed Asset purposes Allow PO Overpayment – Yes/ No Overpayment Type – Dollar or Percent Overpayment Limit – Amount (Dollar amount or percentage) Ex. – Allow PO overpayments by 5%

PO Receiving – Can’t Receive Check user’s Receiving Loc Group in AMSEC05A.FMX and Location Groups Master Ensure location is on User screen and Location is in Location Groups

PO Rollover Issues “Liquidated in last FY, but still shows up as open in new FY” Liquidate the PO again in new FY FAS FAS Synchronize Programs  Synchronize Encumbrances FASYN03A.FMX NOTE: Best to run with one PO at a time

Cannot Find PO in PO Programs Ex. Finance Administrator needs to fully liquidate or adjust PO Sys. Administrator should turn on “Share Batches” in AMSEC01B.FMX

“This PO has Been Paid by Account” If trying to use PO Payment by Line Item, and you receive this message, switch to FPENT03C.FMX instead of FPENT03S.FMX PO needs to be paid through PO Payment by Account

PO Paid to Wrong Account Only if paid and posted… Create Adjusting Journal Entries to make changes

Change Vendor Mailing Address In Direct PO Entry, Select “Change” in the address field Key the new address and select a type from the LOV Address change will take place 1 2 3

Change Shipping Address Select “Change Order” in Direct PO Entry and select correct address Save Changes Reprint PO with “Print POs with Changes”

Change Vendor Check “Change Order” Box Click in Vendor Number field, delete the vendor number Click in Vendor Name field, delete the vendor name Select new vendor from dropdown box Save and Reprint PO with “Print POs with Changes”

PO Reports Alio/ Alio Intelligence

Purchase Order Reports PO Report by PO Number Can see Encumbrance, Paid, Liquidated, & Remaining Amounts

Purchase Order Reports PO Summary by PO No

Purchase Order Reports PO report by Account Number Situation where “I told them not to use this account anymore”

Purchase Order Reports PO report by Vendor Situation where “I told them not to use this account anymore”

Purchase Order Reports PO Report by Buyer Code

Purchase Order Reports PO Report by Ship Location

Purchase Order Reports PO Summary by PO Number

Purchase Order Reports Print Open Purchase Orders (Journals) - (FUDET01A.REP) List purchase order amounts based on journal entries (the general ledger). A purchase order displays as open if the journals indicate the encumbrance is still open regardless of what the purchase order tables display (such as po_accounts).

Alio Intelligence PO Reports AI reports available to AI users