Skills Labour Market Research Unit Validation Skills Labour Market Research Unit
Ireland’s ReferNet Team Located within the SLMRU in SOLAS (FET authority in Ireland) SLMRU = 8 members 5 of whom form Ireland’s ReferNet Team
ReferNet Work Programme Expertise within Ireland’s ReferNet team/SLMRU Expertise within SOLAS, but not the SLMRU Expertise outside SOLAS – ReferNet partners Combination of the above
Validation Based on Expertise Consultation Review
Examples of deliverables Apprenticeship Innovation in VET Training teachers in VET VET measures for migrants VET in Ireland VET Policy Questionnaire
Within the SLMRU E.g. Teacher Training for VET Teachers
Within SOLAS E.g. Apprenticeship article
Outside SOLAS ReferNet Ireland partners and others
Outside SOLAS E.g. VET for Migrants
Review Process (SLMRU/SOLAS) Define the task Identify location of the expertise Begin research Review document among team and/or SOLAS members Submit to research manager and/or director (SLMRU) Assess/cross-check the research Modify in light of recommendations Submit to legal representative Submit to Cedefop
Review Process (SLMRU/SOLAS) Define the task Identify location of the expertise Begin research Review document among team and/or SOLAS members Submit to research manager and/or director (SLMRU) Assess/cross-check the research Modify in light of recommendations Submit to legal representative Submit to Cedefop Consultation ReferNet Partners