Evidence for magnetic reconnection Rhessi-workshop 8-11 June 2005
Rich He3 and heavy ion events 05 October 2002 G. Mason, M. Pick, C. Tan F N09-W64 0.4-0.6 MeV He3/He4 0.63 ± 0.09 Fe/O 1.77 ± 0.24
2002 0ctober 05 NRH 164 MHz RHESSI up to 50 keV
2002 October 05
JUNE 02 2002, Pick, Démoulin, Krucker, Malandraki JUNE 02 2002, Pick, Démoulin, Krucker, Malandraki and Maia (Apj, June 1, 2005) RHESSI 25-50 keV 410 MHz 327 MHz Reconnection 236 MHz 164 MHz 1 GHz OSRA 100 MHz Magnetic reconnection behind A flux rope WAVES
Moving and stationary sources ~ 410 km/s
Rhessi S M all frequencies
- I II III O Twisted flux tube Still anchored RX Stationary XR, S and M correlated Current sheet ≤ 0.3 SR Assymetric (Zharkova, 2004) I B flux reconnection - + type II QP O O Ejection of a Twisted flux tube Still anchored B flux RX Shock Stationary stationary Reconnection Interaction with streamer Stops first interaction Reconnection with Surrounding medium starts to peal the erupting structure. M II III 10: 30 UT Shock 2 RS Loop front > 1.6 Rs E release
17 March 2002 M.Wang, Pick, Yan, Krucker
17 march 2002 + 600 km/s