Time to Change Section Title Public Health Conference: Young People's Mental Health and Crime Prevention 6th December 2017
Time to Change We are Time to Change, a growing movement of people changing how we all think and act about mental health problems. Our campaign is run by charities Rethink Mental Illness and Mind. Too many young people with mental health problems are made to feel isolated and ashamed. The way you act towards them can change their life.
Our work includes… Social marketing Media Social media Schools Celebrities Time to Talk Day Describe how Time to Change encourages conversations about mental health through social media, spokespeople in the media, celebrities speaking out, social marketing campaigns, reducing stigma by normalising the topic and spreading personal stories. More detail on our work... Targeted work with children and young people aims to change the attitudes and behaviour to mental health of young people and all the adults in their life – teachers, parents, youth workers. Targeted work with employers encourages staff to change how we think and act about mental health in the workplace and make sure that employees who are facing these problems feel supported. Community leadership and hubs are about embedding the social movement in local communities and supporting passionate campaigners across the country to run events and other activities. Social marketing is marketing for attitude and behaviour change through advertising campaigns and the creation of assets, including videos and other materials. The media team works with journalists to challenge negative stereotypes and engage in more accurate and positive reporting of mental health problems. Loads of free online resources – for teachers, parents, young campaigners
Youth involvement Young people are driving the Time to Change campaign 83 Young Champions trained to share their story of mental health problems and challenge stigma in their every day lives – Recruiting a new cohort in Spring 2018. 8 CYP Regional Coordinators taking the campaign to local areas, tapping into the hubs and delivering activities – Recruiting 8 more to start in April 2018. Be part of our Online virtual panel providing feedback and steering our materials and messaging.
The impact of stigma Young People report that they have experienced stigma from: friends (65%) parents (50%) boyfriends and girlfriends (45%) teachers (43%) 69% said that fear of stigma has prevented them from telling a friend about their mental health problem 50% said it had stopped them applying for a job 30% said that it had stopped them applying for or taking up a place at college or university 28% said negative reactions from others had made them want to give up on life. Time to Change online survey, 541 young people, November 2013
Young Champion’s Story Any questions? Introduce the young champion – you can insert their name into this slide. Allow time for questions.
Be In Your Mate’s Corner Play Films https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=86Cz9F-pTv4&list=PLW8cG1kJhcvdTZYKKjdmhyc9JjlkhjZZJ Then ask the group if they liked the In Your Corner videos? What did they like about them? What are the key messages? #InYourCorner https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=86Cz9F-pTv4&list=PLW8cG1kJhcvdTZYKKjdmhyc9JjlkhjZZJ
Be In Your Mate’s Corner Explain that ‘In Your Corner’ is Time to Change’s latest campaign focused on how everyone can support a friend being just being a good mate. There is an adult video alongside the young peoples’ videos particularly focused on men as they have been less receptive to the campaign so far than women. Read the five key messages. #InYourCorner
Section Title Thank You! www.time-to-change.org.uk