New Highway Maintenance Supervisor Training Course The Road to Success Michael T. Mattison, P.E. NDOR Maintenance Engineer AASHTO Subcommittee On Maintenance Louisville, KY July 18, 2011
Highlights Three day class conducted twice a year Participants Designed by NDOR Maintenance Supervisors and Superintendents with help from Operations Division and HR Focus on New Maintenance Supervisors Fifteen Topics and Trainers NDOR Staff do all the training 50 minute sessions with 10 minute breaks Pre/Post Knowledge Assessment (Test)
Why did NDOR need a Highway Maintenance Supervisor Training Course? Lack of consistency Errors by new supervisors Existing One Day Supervisor Training is generic – doesnt cover material specific to Highway Maintenance OJT and Mentoring are highly variable depending on regional management Average 6-8 new supervisors per year
How it came about: May FMAT (Field Maintenance Applications Team) June 2009 DOMM (District Operations and Maintenance Managers) Meeting July 2009 HR Training Section August 2009 Recommendation to Top Management September Surveys
How it came about: October 2009 – Interviews November 2009 – Analyzed data December 2009 – May 2010 Established Training Topics Set Schedule Developed Course Materials Recruited Trainers Selected Trainees for Pilot June 2010 – Pilot was held at HQ in Lincoln
The Pilot Twelve trainees were selected Nine new Supervisors Three experienced Supervisors Only seven were able to attend because of major flooding in some districts. The FMAT viewed the classroom on closed circuit TV. Each module and trainer was evaluated. Trainers were given feedback immediately following their presentation.
Course Agenda Day 1 Start TimeModule Length (minutes) 8:00 AMWelcome, Administration, Housekeeping5 8:05 AMDirector/Deputy Welcome10 8:15 AMFMAT Team-Course Roles/Expectations10 8:25 AMCourse Agenda-next 3 days5 8:30 AMPre Knowledge Assessment25 8:55 AMBREAK10 9:05 AMWhere to Find it - Maintenance Library Web Page50 9:55 AMDrainage Way Inspection25 10:20 AMBREAK10 10:30 AMBridge inspection75 11:45 AMLUNCH BREAK60 12:45 PMMaintenance Calculations-with pre & post assessment50 1:35 PMBREAK10 1:45 PM National Incident Management (NIMS) and Weather Related Issues50 2:35 PMBREAK10 2:45 PMNational Incident Management50 3:35 PMBREAK10 3:45 PMNational Incident Management20 4:05 PMProfessional Relationships (Heads Up!)50 4:55 PMEnd of Day 1535
Day 2 Start TimeModule Length (minutes) 8:00 AMEnvironmental concerns50 8:50 AMBREAK10 9:00 AMEnvironmental concerns50 9:50 AMBREAK10 10:00 AMMSDS Online System30 10:30 AMBREAK10 10:40 AMQuality Assurance50 11:30 AMBREAK10 11:40 AMQuality Assurance30 12:10 PMLUNCH BREAK60 1:10 PMCrew Cards40 1:50 PMBREAK10 2:00 PMProcurement Procedures50 2:50 PMBREAK10 3:00 PMProcurement Procedures50 3:50 PMBREAK10 4:00 PMROW use and permit process25 Course Agenda
0 Day 3 Start TimeModule Length (minutes) Traffic Control and Pavement Markings 50 8:50 AM BREAK 10 9:00 AM Traffic Control Junction Signing Plans 50 9:50 AM BREAK 10 10:00 AM Plan reading (R.O.W.) 50 10:50 AM BREAK 10 11:00 AM Safety 65 12:05 PM LUNCH BREAK 60 1:05 PM Discipline and Grievances 75 2:20 PM BREAK 10 2:30 PM Interviewing Exercise-45 minutes Training- (Catalog/ Evaluation/LMS) 15 minutes 50 3:20 PM BREAK 10 3:30 PM Post-Knowledge Assessment 30 4:00 PM Course Wrap Up 30 4:30 PM Day 3 Course Agenda
Outcome Pilot was a success Trainees provided good feedback and many commented it was the best they had ever had. Assessments demonstrated increase in knowledge of material. The Participant Guide filled a 2-inch ring binder and each trainee kept it as a reference. Trainees now knew the expert from HQ that they could contact with questions. The first class was scheduled for August 2010
First Class Fifteen trainees, including new, recent, and experienced supervisors and a superintendent (next higher level) Training topics and time spent on them was modified based on Pilot No closed circuit TV Same outcome as Pilot District O&M Managers requested the class be held at least twice a year
Ongoing Next class was January 2011 Same outcome Operations works with HR and instructors to keep course content current. HR works with instructors to prepare updated materials. Upcoming Class July 26-28, 2011
Paving the Road to Success Dedicated Team Good Planning Management Support Surveys, interviews, with key stakeholders The right mix of topics and trainers Lots of breaks Starting with a Pilot Responsiveness to trainee feedback Dedicated Team
Thank You Michael T. Mattison, P.E. Maintenance Engineer Nebraska Department of Roads