Transition Year Mathematics
Transition Year Mathematics Aims To provide for an enhanced student learning experience and greater levels of achievement for all. Greater emphasis placed on student understanding of mathematical concepts, with increased use of contexts and applications that will enable students to relate mathematics to everyday experience. Transition Year Mathematics
Transition Year Mathematics Syllabus structure: Statistics. Algebra. Trigonometry. Coordinate Geometry of the Line. Probability. Functions. *Course content will build on from what the students have learned from the JC Course and introduce new material from the LC Course. Transition Year Mathematics
Transition Year Mathematics Assessment structure: Class tests will take place. Experiments will occur inside and outside the classroom. There will be three modules with an examination taking place at the conclusion of each module. Transition Year Mathematics
Transition Year Mathematics Main objectives: In each topic, emphasis will be placed on applications of mathematics so that learners can appreciate its relevance to their current and future lives. The focus should be on learners understanding the concepts involved, with a particular emphasis on problem solving. Transition Year Mathematics
Transition Year Mathematics Encourage students to continue with Higher Level Mathematics (Bonus Points of 25 points). Transition Year Mathematics